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Sultan Suleiman I Al-Qanuni: Conqueror Of Three Continent.

Source: Jaylenecsherman.

Now,  we will discuss about Ottoman Sultan who conquer 3 continent , and bring Ottoman Empire to golden age. He popular at Europe as important character at Europe at 16 TH Century. And, he is great grandson from Conqueror Of Constantinople, Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih/ Mehmed II. How he conquer 3 continent? And, why he titled by Al-Qanuni. Ok, lets read this article until end, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

He is son from Selim I, Ottoman Sultan who conquer Middle East , and  he became Sultan Of Ottoman at young age, 28 years old. He became a caliph at 1520 AD,  when he became sultan, he faced several rebellion from several Syrian leader under Ottoman Empire Authority. He succeded defeat them, and next, at 1521 AD, move to Belgrade, one of important Hungarian Castle.  Ottoman Army captured Castle Of Belgrade, and next expedition to Island Of Rhodes, that ruled by Knight Of ST.John, remnant of Crusader, who love hijack  Muslims traders at Sea Of Mediterrania.  Island Of Rhodes defended by 180 knight and 1.500 warriors and Greek People under Commander De Lisle Adam.  Ottoman Army attack Fortress Of Rhodesia with cannon, and De Lisle Adam and his army submit to Ottoman Army, Ottoman Army occupied Island Of Rhodes, and they give two options to Civilian Of Rhodes. They may stay at Rhodes, and their church dont destroy for mosque, and they can went to Crete, with escorted by Ottoman Army.

Along 1526-1543 AD, Sultan Suleiman do several expedition to Hungary for attack Kingdom Of Hungary, because Sultan Suleiman want help King Of France, Francis I, who defeated by King Of Hungary. One of popular battle from Sultan Suleiman at Hungary is Battle Of Mohacs, for know details about Battle Of Mohacs, you can read this article:
Legendary Battle Of Mohacs `1526 AD. - ACITYA HISTORY

He also conquest Bagdad, Old Abbasid Capital from Safavid Dynasty. At North Africa, Ottoman Navy do several expedition to protected Muslim at North Africa from European Colonization. Many of this expedition, lead by genious admiral Khayr Addin Barbarosa, for his biography, you can read this articles:
Khair Addin Barbarossa: Pirates Who Save Spanish Muslims. Part 1 - ACITYA HISTORY

Khair Addin Barbarossa: Part 2: The Legendary Battle Of Preveza. - ACITYA HISTORY

At 1538 AD, Ottoman Navy under Khair Addin Barbarossa, succeded defeated European Navy under Andrea Doria.  At 1565 AD, Sultan Of Aceh, Alauddin, ask helped from Sultan Suleyman for kick Portuguese Imperialist from Malacca. State Of Ottoman send 2 warships.

Other this, he popular as leader who repair Bait Al-Maqdis ( Jerusalem) at Palestine, he also make invite of Ottoman Empire, because this, he popular as Al-Qanuni ( the invite maker).

Sultan Suleiman also build several fortress at Red Sea s coastal for  prevent Portuguese Invation. Portuguese Army defeated by Ottoman Army at several battle.  Sultan Sulaiman also completed ports at Yemen with cannon that destroy Portuguese Ship that want invaded Muslims Territory.

Sultan Suleiman die at 1566 AD, at Battle Of Szigetfar, beetwen Ottoman Dynasty and Hungary Empire.  He die at 71 years old.

Ok, it is my article today, at next article, we will discuss about Mehmed II, Conqueror Of Constantinople, who titled by Muhammad Al-Fatih. Share this article to your beloved people. See you next time at next article.


Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam,. 2016 M.

Lamb, Harold: Sulaiman Al-Qanuni: Kehidupan Politik dan Pribadi Sultan Agung Turki Utsmani, Penerbit Alvabet, 2022 M.

Sultan Sulaiman al-Qanuni - ZULKIFLI AL-BAKRI (zulkiflialbakri.com), accesed 23 April 2024 , 10: 57 PM.


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