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It Is True Ottoman Empire Weakened At Era Of Selim II? History Analyzer.


Several  modern historians, such as Tamim Ansary, and other modern historians have argument Ottoman weakened at era of Selim II. Because, Ottoman Navy defeated at Battle Of Lepanto, 1571 AD. This is historian s arguments. At this article, we will search, it is true Ottoman Empire weakened at era Of Selim II? At this article, we will discuss about Goverment Of Selim II and it is true Ottoman Empire weakened at his age? Lets read this article until end for get complete information.

Selim II, is Ottoman Sultan that ruled after Sulayman Al-Qanuni. He ruled at years 1566-1574 AD. At his goverment, Ottoman Empire have a plan to invaded Kingdom Of Russia, because Kingdom Of Russia , at 1552 AD, was invaded Kazan,  a Turkish City at East Europe. Ottoman Empire build channel for join beetwen Don to Volga for send their navy to attack Kingdom Of Russia and Safavid Kingdom at Persia. Though this plan not success, Ottoman Empire can send several group from Crimean Cavalry, from their  Mongols vassal, Khan Of Crimea to attack Russia.

At era of Selim II also, Ottoman Empire invaded Crusader Kingdom at Cyprus that ruled by Lusignan Dynasty.  Beetwen 1424-1426 AD, Crusader Kingdom Of Cyprus attack several port at Syria and Mameluke Sultan, Barsbay, invaded this territories. Mameluke Army landed at Cyprus and defeat Crusader. They also captured King Of Cyprus, Janus. But, Sultan Barsbay return King Janus to his throne with condition pay tribute. After Ruin Of Mameluke Dynasty at 1517 AD, Kingdom Of Cyprus attack Hajj  Groups at Sea Of Mediterrania. At 157 AD, Sultan Selim II can captured Cyprus after conquer several fortress. At 1571 AD, Ottoman Navy fight againt Navy Of Papal State, Venice, and Spain at Battle Of Inebahti / Lepanto. And, Ottoman Navy destroyed.  Ottoman Navy defeated at this battle.

It is not end for Ottoman Navy, At winter, Ottoman Empire build 200 warships and they ready to fight againt Venice, Venice agree peace covenant with Ottoman Empire . At 1573 AD, Ottoman Empire send army under Kilic Ali Pasha to attack Spain s territories at Tunisia. Tunisia annexed by Ottoman Empire and Sultan Selim II also build his mosque, Selimitte at City Of Edirne, Tukey.

Now, lets we analyze, it is true Ottoman Empire weakened after die of Sultan Sulayman Al-Qanuni, and it is started by Selim II s era?

At era Of Sultan Selim II, after his defeat at Lepanto, Ottoman Empire  can build strong navy for fight againt Venice.  And Ottoman Empire after Battle Of Lepanto can annexed Tunisia. And, after Selim II s era, Ottoman expansion still run. Conquest at East Europe , included Battle Of Hachova ( 1596 AD) that 100.000 Ottoman Army under Sultan Mehmed III defeat 300.000 European Coalition Army. Expansion to Europe and Asia, still run. And, ended when Ottoman Empire captued Wina, Austria at 1683 AD. Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu argue retrogression era of Ottoman Dynasty started at 1699 AD, at era of Sultan Mustafa II ( ruled 1695-1703 AD). But,  damage at goverment system, started at era of Sultan Murad III ( ruled 1574-1595 AD). This example is military s goverment elite, Janissary, not recruited by  tight solution and sultan s glamour lifestyle.

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Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.


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