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Mehmed II Al-Fatih: Conqueror Of Constantinople.

Source: Busurnusa.

He is most popular Ottoman Sultan at Indonesia. His name, record at Indonesian Comic, such as masterpiece of Handri Satria Handjaya, Comic Of Muhammad Al-Fatih. How history of this Conqueror Of Constantinople? Ok, lets read this article until end, and subcribe my  blog for more information about Islamic History.

Mehmed II,  or also popular with Muhammad Al-Fatih, is Ottoman Sultan who conquer Constantinople, and his name recorded as Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s propechy.  Before his era, Muslims tried conquer Constantinople for several time.

For early Byzantine History, you can read this article:

Ruin Of Roman Empire And Rise Of Byzantine Empire. - ACITYA HISTORY

From Era Of Umayyad Dynasty, Muslims tried to conquer Constantinople from Byzantine Empire. At 669 AD, Umayyad Dynasty do agression to Constantinople.  For realized Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s propechy about Conquest Of Constantinople, Umayyad Caliph, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan send his son, Yazid to attack Constantinople.  But, this agression failed because Muslims army defeated by Byzantine s garrison, and Wall Of Constantinople is so strong.

Along 647-680 AD, Umayyad Army tried occupied Constantinople, but it is failed.  At Era Of Caliph Sulaiman From Umayyad Dynasty, Muslims Army besieged Constantinople under Maslama Ibn Malik. But Muslims Army defeated by Byzantine Emperor, Leo  Of Isauria ( ruled 717-741 AD). Leo is not Byzantine, he is Syrian Christian who founded new Dynasty Of Byzantine, Dynasty Of Isauria.

At 806 AD, Abbasid Caliphate tried conquer Constantinople. Caliph Harun Al Rashid defeat Byzantine Emperor, Nicheporus, at Battle Of Eregli, but he doesnt occupied Constantinople.  At 1071 AD, Sultan Of Seljuk, Alp Arslan defeat Byzantine Giant Army at Battle Of Manzikert,  at 1204 AD, Crusader captured Constantinople.  Crusader and Venetian Army attack this city, and they kill woman and children at this city. Prince Baldwin IX, one of European Nobleman who joined Crusader, appointed as Emperor Of Byzantine. But, at 1261 AD, Byzantine Army captured Constantinople from Crusader, and restorated Byzantine Empire.

For Battle Of Manzikert 1071 AD, you can read this article:

Alp Arslan: Turkish Lion Who Forgotten. - ACITYA HISTORY

At 14 TH Century, after defeat European Coalition Army, Ottoman Sultan, Bayezid I tried conquer Constantinople, but at 1402 AD, he defeated by Tamerlane at Ankara , and Ottoman Empire disbanded  for several time. For this event, please read this article:

Battle Of Ankara 1402 : First Ruin Of Ottoman. - ACITYA HISTORY

Until Ottoman lead by Sultan Murad II.  At 1422 AD, Sultan Murad II tried besieged Constantinople. But Emperor Manuel, Byzantine Emperor spark rebellion at Ottoman Dynasty. This expedition failed.

Sultan Murad II doesnt give out.  He prepare his crown prince, Mehmet II, or at the future popular as Muhammad Al Fatih. At his childood, Mehmet is naughty children. He love leave lesson. Sultan Murad II came several teacher to Mehmet II for educated him. But they cannot educated him, because Mehmet Ii is nauty children.

Sultan Murad II send to Mehmet and great shaykh, he is Shaykh Al-Kurani,  Shaykh Al-Kurani educated Mehmet II  firmly. He hit Mehmet II if Mehmet II  do naughty. Under his guidance,  Mehmet II can memorized Koran and fluent at several language.  All it, for realized Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s propechy, Constantinople only conquered by best leader.

Mehmet II became sultan at juniors age.  After became sultan, he prepare Siege Of Constantinople. At 1453 AD, Constantinople captured by Ottoman Army. Ottoman Army prepared big cannon that makes by Urban and Saruja Pasha.  At 6 April 1453 AD,  Siege Of Contantinople started.  Battle broke at terrain and sea, Ottoman Army cannot entried Wall Of Constantinople.  After it, Mehmed II tried new ideas. Ottoman Army moved their ships  with wood glide  pass Terrain Of Tophane, to defense line of Byzantine Army, that command by Constantine XI Palaiologos, Last Byzantine Emperor. Ottoman Army attack Byzantine s defense line, until 29 may 1453 AD, they can conquest city and Emperor Constantine die at this battle.

After Conquer Constantinople, Mehmet II threat Christian People at this city fairly, he appointed Gennadios as priest for Orthodox Christian Church at Constantinople, and make Constantinople as Ottoman Capital. This name replaced by Istanbul / Islambul ( Center Of Islam).

Ok, after this, i will discuss about Mehmet II s expedition to Europe and his confrontation againt Vlad Dracula, and we will discuss, is Dracula s historical figure or only mithology? Wait this answer at next article.


Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

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Amstrong, Karen: Perang Suci: Dari Perang Salib Hingga Perang Teluk, Penerbit Serambi, 2003 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

The Legend of the Last Byzantine Emperor, Constantine Palaiologos - GreekReporter.com, accesed 24 May, 2024 AD, 10: 52 PM.



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