Pharaoh ( Firaun) In The Koran: History Analyzer.
In the Koran, of course, we often read verses about
Propeth Musa Alaihissalam and his enemy, Firaun ( Pharaoh). This story
explained by Imam Ibn Kathir in his
masterpiece, Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, he illustrated Pharaoh as
arrogantly Ruler of Egypt, and in his end of life, Pharaoh die at Red Sea
because sink in the sea, the problem, Ibn Kathir doesn’t interpreted, who s
Pharaoh in the history and archaeologist proof for this character.
According DR.Nadiah Thayyarah s research, Pharaoh in
the age of Propeth Musa Alaihissalam is Memfanah/ Membanah, son from Ramses II, who
cruel to Israeli and this force Israeli out from Egypt. DR.Nadiah Thayyarah
identified is according research to Pharaoh mumy at Cairo Museum.
According Sami Al-Maghluts, Propeth Musa maybe live at
1527-1407 BC. DR.Quraish Shihab interpreted, title of Firaun for Egypt kings
started after their defeat from King Hyksos, but are several opinion who
Pharaoh in age of Propeth Musa.
First, according Jewish s notes, King Of Egypt who
drive out Hyksos people from Egypt is King Ahmaso, several of historian identifief Ahmaso as Pharaoh at age of
Propeth Musa Alaihissalam.
Second, Historian Dedy Suardi identified Pharaoh in
age of Propeth Musa as Thotmosis, but proofs from this theory is very weak.
Because very little archaeologist proof.
Third, Historian Abdul Razak Al-Hafiz identified,
Pharaoh is not one person but two person, Ramses II and his son,
Memfanah/Marenptah. DR.Quraish Shihab identified, Pharaoh maybe two person,
because Pharaoh is title for kings of Egypt. Pharaoh when Propeth Musa toddler
interpreted as Ramses II an Pharaoh who discussed with Propeth Musa at QS.As-Shuara
18-19 maybe his son.
Pharaoh s mumy find by Archaeolog Loret at Wadi
Al-Muluk, Egypt at 1896 AD, Archaeolog
Ely Smith at 1907 AD, research at Pharaoh s mumy, and get conclusion, Pharaohs mumy is complete, precisely
with QS.Yunus : 10 illustration about Pharaoh.
At 1975 AD, DR.Maurice Bucaille next a search for Pharaoh
mumy, he find Pharaoh s mumy contained salt, that indicate Pharaoh sink at sea,
as Koran description. DR.Maurice convert to Islam after know Koran s truth.
From this, the lessons that can we take, all history
in the Koran not only folklore, but backed by archaeologist proof, this disprove
orientalist s claim that Koran is not original. How doesn’t original if many
Koran s story reinforced by archaeologist proof? It is paradox and
controvertial claim.
Recommendation book/journal:
Thayyarah, DR.Nadiah: Buku Pintar Sains Dalam
Al-Quran, Penerbit Zaman, 2013 M.
Katsir, Ibnu ( Imam): Al-Bidayah Wa An-Nihayah, Penerbit
Insan Kamil, 2021 M.
Awaluddin, Raisa Zuhra Salsabilah: Mumi Firaun
Dalam Al-Quran, Studi QS.Yunus (10):92 Perspektif Tafsir Al-Misbah, Jurnal
Studi Quranika Vo.8.
Munir, Samsul: Mukjizat Al-Quran Tentang Arkeologi(
Kajian Ayat-Ayat Arkeologi Dalam Persepektif Sains Modern),UNSIQ Wonosobo.
nice article