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Legendary Battle Of Mohacs `1526 AD.

Source: IDN Times.

This is legendary battle at Ottoman History. Because, it is Ottoman s victory againt European Coalition. The battle that broke at 1526 AD, and became begin Ottoman s control at Hungary. And, Ottoman Sultan who command this battle, is Sulaiman Al-Qanuni, great grandchild from Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih, Ottoman Sultan who conquer Constantinople. Ok, lets read this article until end, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

At 16 TH Century, broke battle beetwen France and Hungary at Europe. The factor of this battle is struggle crown of ST.Stephen. King Lajos Of Hungary get this crown and France tried attack Hungary for take this crown. Hungary supported by Spain Empire, and they succeded defeat France Army.

King Of France, Francis I, defeated and he run to his fortress.  And, Francis I prisoned by King Of Spain, Charles V.  Francis I s mother send messenger to Ottoman Sultan, Sulaiman Al-Qanuni, to liberate his son. At 1526 AD, Sultan Sulaiman went to Mohacs for attack Hungary, with his army, that consist  from firegun army and several pioneer army. Hungarian Army consist by army of Spanish, Hungarian, Germany, Czechs, and Italian Knights.  Ottoman Army captured several castle near battlefield.  According Historian Harold Lamb, Hungarian Army lead by several leaders from Europe, such as Hannibal who lead Germany Mercenaries, and Gnomski, an Polandian Volunteer. And, as highest commander at Hungarian Army, is Bishop Pal Tomori and King Lajos Of Hungary.  Army Of Hungarian Coalition numbered 60.000 wariors.  Hungarian Cavalry attack lines of Ottoman Army, but they defeated by Ottoman s artilery, ad 20.000 Hungarian Army die. King Lajos die at this battle, and Ottoman Army next their expedition at Hungary.  They take several fortress at Hungary. At 1529 AD, broke civil war at Hungary because struggle for Kingdom Of Hungary s crown, beetwen John Zapolya and Ferdinand , brother from King Of German. Sulaiman moved to Hungary and support John Zapolya to became King Of Hungary, because John Zapolya is Hungarian s king who show his loyality for Ottoman Dynasty.

Sulaiman do several military action at Hungary. Caliph Sulaiman also held good relation with King Francis I Of France. It is,  facilitate Islamic Preaching at France to several age ago.  Sulaiman held trade relation with State Of France.  At next article, we will discuss about Islamic Preaching at France, and role of Ottoman Dynasty to preach Islam  France.

This history, give us proof,  Muslims not hesitate to help Non Muslims who need a help from us. At daily, we as Muslims, must help Non Muslim who suffered  difficulty,  though he is Non Muslim. Because we must help human at the good business without seeing his religion, ethnic, and other.  Over it is not contradictive with islamic Sharia.

Ok, it is my article today, see you at next article, please share this article if you feel this article give you benefit.  And, dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Lamb, Harold: Sulaiman Al-Qanuni: Kehidupan Politik dan Pribadi Sultan Agung Turki Utsmani, Penerbit Alvabet, 2022 M.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

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