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Musa Ibn Nushayr: Spain Conquest Initiator.

Source: Alchetron.

Today, i will discuss about Musa Ibn Nushayr, Spain Conquest s inisiator. He is Muslim Commander who finished conquest of North Africa, and Islamized Tribe Of Berber. He also ini initiator from Islamic Conquest Of Spain. Ok, lets read this article until end, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Musa Ibn Nushayr, is one of important character at Islamic History. According Historian Jihad Turbani, He is commander who included worship expert.  He became Umayyad Governor at North Africa, when North Africa exist in labil situation.  Musa became governor at 704 AD. At this time , a big part of North Africa, was conquered by sucessor of Uqba, Hasan Ibn Numan. But, at time of Musa Ibn Nushair, several Tribes Of Berber rebel to Islamic Goverment. Musa prepared military operation for attack Berber Rebel, and held stabilize at North Africa under Islamic Goverment.

Musa conquer several city at North Africa. He conquer City Of Thanjah ( Tangier). He held treatment with Tangier s civilian. Musa Ibn Nushair appointed Thariq Ibn Ziyad, his assistant at Tangier. He also conquer Berber s fortress at Zaghwan. Musa send his two children to do expedition at North Africa, before conquest of Tangier, he was conquer several Tribes Of Berber, included Huwwara, Zanata, and Kutama.  At 708 AD, Musa finished  Conquest Of North Africa.

Not only conquer, Musa also studied from mistakes Muslim  leaders before him. They not teach Islam to Tribes Of Berber, so that, Tribes Of Berber easy to rebel and make a problem, because they convert to Islam without get teaching about Islamic Religion.  Musa Ibn Nushair also appointed several Islamic Teacher to teach Islam Religion and Quran ( Islam Holy Book) to Tribes Of Berber.  After this, Tribes Of Berber dont rebel to Muslim Goverment. They loyal to Islamic Goverment.

Come news from Spain, Spain, at this era, colonized by Tribes Of Visigoth who established kingdom here. King Of Visigoth, Roderick is brutal person, and he take big tax from his people.

Spain, captured from his native  by Tribes Of Visigoth from North Europe. Kingdom Of Visigoth ruled Spain, until age of their king, Roderick, one of Roderick s vassa, Ceuta, lead by Julian. Julian asked help Thariq Ibn Ziyad, Governor Of Tangier, who became assisant of Musa Ibn Nushair, for liberate Spain from Roderick s reign. Julian also give City Of Ceuta to Thariq. At 711 AD,   Musa Ibn Nushair command to Thariq Ibn Ziyad went to Spain with 5000 warrior,  after Musa send several pioneer army to Green Land, a islands near Spain.  Thariq moved to Spain with his army, and conquer City Of Cartagena, Roderick bring big army to attack  him. Thariq ask to helped to Musa. Musa send 5000 army, and now, Thariq s army is 12.000 army, they defeat Roderick and Army Of Visigoth at Rio Berbate.

After this, Thariq conquer several cities at Spain, until his army besieged by Army Of Visigoth. Musa came with 12.000 army to Spain, and he conquer several territories that not yet conquest by Thariq.

Musa conquer several cities, such as Medina, Sidon, Carmona, and Seville.  Thariq conquer City Of Saragossa. After this, Muslim Army conquer City Of Aragon, Leon, Asturia, and Galicia.

Umayyad Caliph at this time, Caliph Al-Walid slanderous Musa disobey Caliph s command, and command Musa to back to Umayyad Capital City, Damascus. Caliph Al-Walid  punished Musa with forced him stand under sun, and he  plunder Musa s property. And, also , he fired Musa from his position. Musa, at this old time, became beggar at Hijaz.

Musa s story is lesson for us. Many great person who have a service for many people, dont get fair reply, such as Quranic teachers  at Indonesia who dont get enough wages, but they still teach Koran.

And, second lesson, Musa doesnt only conquest, he managed Islamic Education for Tribes Of Berber who is New Muslim, because he studied from his elder s mistakes. We study history, for  avoid mistakes that do by our elder. May, with studied history, we can be wish person.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Muslim Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2015 M.

Syaikh Al-Baladzuri: Futuhul Buldan: Penaklukkan Negeri-negeri Dari Fathu Makkah Sampai Negeri Sind, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2015 M.

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