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Urwah Ibn Zubayr: Tabiin Who Lost His Foot.

Source: Seputar Jalan

It is story from tabiin  ( shahaba s successor ) who suffered weight exam and he can patiently run it. He is Urwah Ibn Zubayr and he is one early Islamic Scholars at 7 TH Century. And, he is one important scholar at Medina. And, he is son from important Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s shahaba. Please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for get more information about Islamic History.

Urwah Ibn Zubayr, born at 643 AD, and he is brother from Mushab Ibn Zubayr and Abdullah Ibn Zubayr. One day, when they still young, they talk near Rukun Yamani, an site near Kabah, Mecca and discuss about their dream. With them, also sit Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan.

Abdullah Ibn Zubair said he will became caliph and occupied Hijaz, Saudi Arabia. Mushab Ibn Zubayr said he will became caliph and occupied Iraq. And, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan said he will became Caliph Of Umayyad Dynasty.

Urwah Ibn Zubayr said he will became Islamic Scholar who studied Al-Quran and practict his knowledge. And, several time ago...

Abdullah Ibn Zubayr became caliph after die of Caliph Yazid Ibn Muawiyah, second caliph of Umayyad Dynasty. Abdullah Ibn Zubayr can occupied Hijaz, Mecca, Yemen, Khorasan, and Iraq.  But, he killed at side of Kaba, Mushab Ibn Zubayr replaced Abdullah Ibn Zubayr at Goverment Of Iraq, but he also killed because Game Of Throne at Umayyad Dynasty. And, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan can became Umayyad Caliph after murdered of Abdullah Ibn Zubayr.

For know about Game Of Throne at Umayyad Dynasty, you can refer this articles:
Game Of Throne Of Umayyad Caliphate - ACITYA HISTORY

Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan: Arcithect From Umayyad s Golden Age - ACITYA HISTORY

Urwah Ibn Zubayr lucky born at noble family, at era of Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. His father is main shahaba from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Zubayr Ibn Awwam and his  Asma binti Abu Bakar, mother is daughter from First Islamic Caliph, Abu Bakar as-Shiddiq.  Though born from Noble Family, Urwah doesnt arrogan and he popular as diligent. He came to shahaba s house to learn about Islam Religion, he learn to several shahaba such as Abu Hurayroh, Said Ibn Zaid, Abdurrahman Ibn Auf and with his aunt, Aisha Binti Abu Bakar. He became member from Al-Fuqaha Al-Sabah ( seven Fiqh Specialist at Medina).

Urwah Ibn Zubayr , according Historian Abdurrahman Rafat Basya, is one scholar who united worship and knowledge. He is obey  Muslim, he many pray at night and he also is gracious people.  He is richman who has many palmfruit garden and he permit people to entered his garden and take his fruits.

One day, when Urwah Ibn Zubayr visit Caliph Al-Walid Ibn Abdul Malik Of Umayyad Dynasty , his son play to Al-Walid s stable and die because kicked by Abdul Malik s horse. And, after this, Urwah s one foot  attacked by tumor and he must run amputation at this food. Urwah lost one foot, but he still thank to Allah with other  pleasant that Allah give and he still preach to persuate Muslims to goodness.

Urwah die at 712 AD, at 71 years old. He leav his good example to us, for patient at exam that Allah give to us,.

Basya, DR,Abdurrahman Rafat:Para Tabiin Rahimahullah: Kisah Perjuangan dan Keteladanan, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2016 M.




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