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Game Of Throne Of Umayyad Caliphate

Source: Wallpaper Cave.

Today, i will discuss about civil war beetwen Muslims  that broke at Umayyad Dynasty s age. This civil war broke beetwen Umayyad Dynasty Authority, and Caliph s s candidate, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr. This story, good for lesson to Muslims. We as Muslims, must united and not became enemy beetwen Muslims. Ok, lets start it, and dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Ibn Kathir record this event at his book: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah,  that tell at 73 H, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr die because killed by Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf, Umayyad Commander.  

At 64 H, Umayyad Caliph, Yazid Ibn Muawiya, choose his son, named Muawiya Ibn Yazid ( Muawiya II) for became Caliph Of Umayyad. But, Muawiya Ibn Yazid is uncompeten person, and he die 3 month after became a caliph.  Several officer at Syria,  agree Abdullah Ibn Zubayr, became Caliph replaced Muawiya II. But, Ubaidullah Ibn Ziyad, who joined Hussain Ibn Ali s murdered at Karbala, provocated Marwan Ibn Hakam to became caliph. Because Ubaidullah fear  Abdullah became Caliph, he fear get punishment because kill Husayn at Karbala. Several People Of Syria, agree Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan, became Caliph. Abdullah Ibn Zubayr ruled Hijaz, and Marwan Ibn Hakam ruled Iraq and Sham.

Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan send his commander, Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf to captured Mecca from Abdullah Ibn Zubayr. Abdul Malik s army move to Mecca,  under command of Al-Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf. They captured Mecca with giant mangonels, many Civilian Of Mecca leave Abd Allah Ibn Zubayr.

According Ibn Kathir, at 70 TH, Byzantine Emperor use this chance for attack Islamic Territories. Byzantine Army attack Syria, and kill many people at this place, Caliph Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan held peace threat with Byzantine Empire, and bribe Byzantine Emperor with 1000 gold. Abdul Malik moved with great army for attack Abdullah s brother, Mushab. Mushab killed at this battle.

At 73 H, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr killed by Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf. Caliph Abdul Malik appointed Hajjaj Ibn Yusuf for Caliphate s deputy at Iraq. Hajjaj also attack rebel from Khawariji, that lead by Shabib. Shabib killed at this battle.

At 79 H, Byzantine Army captured Antiokhia from Umayyad Caliphate, and they kill many civilians at this place. And, at same year, the epydemics attack Syria, until many people die at this place.

For this history, we can studied, split became factor of Allah Subhanahuwataala s angry.  Because this, we as Muslims, must unitd for goodness. Dont  each  blame one by one,  because, if we do this, Muslim s united will became weak, and Islamic enemies, can attack Muslims from  all sides.  Make a harmonius enviroment  beetwen Muslims, no each blame one by one because small different.

Katsir, Ibnu: Al-Bidayah Wa Nihayah, Pustaka Azzam, 2020 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Penerbit Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.


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