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Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan: Arcithect From Umayyad s Golden Age

Source: Story Of Muslim.

Today, we will discuss about Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan. He is arcitecht from Umayyad s golden age and he popular as conqueror and arcitecht from Dome Of The Rock at Masjid Al-Aqsa. And, he is greatest caliph from Umayyad Dynasty who bring Umayyad Dynasty to his summit of his golden age. Ok, please read this article until end and we will discuss one age from Islamic Golden Age. Subscribe my blog for get more information about Islamic History.

Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan ( ruled 685-705 AD) became caliph at era of chaos at Umayyad Dynasty. Umayyad Dynasty split into several etinty. Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan can  ruled Levant and Egypt. Abdullah Ibn Zubayr ruled Hijaz and Iraq. Group Of Khawariji Azariqah have state at Ahvaz and Group Of Khawariji Najadat ruled Yamama, Yemen, and Thaif. And Group Of Shia under Al-Mukhtar Ibn Abu Ubaid ruled part from Iraq.  It is happened at 78 H.

Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan plan a strategy for win this game of throne. He allied with Abdullah Ibn Zubayr and his brothers to attack Al-Mukhtar Ibn Ubayd. And, after this, he want destroy Abdullah Ibn Zubayr s dynasty.  At 72 H, he attack Iraq and kill Abdullah s brother, Mushab Ibn Zubayr. And, at 73 H, he send his general, Hajjaj to attack Abdullah at Mecca. Abdullah killed. Abdul Malik also send army under Muhallab Ibn Abu Shufrah to attack Khawariji. After this, Umayyad Dynasty united and Abdul Malik heal ceasefire with Byzantine Empire under Emperor Justin II. At this time, Justin II want invaded Palestine and around this. But , Abdul Malik pay tax to Emperor Justin II as mark of ceasefire.

Justin II broke ceasefire. He make North Africa for Byzantine Army  base for attack Muslim Territories. Abdul Malik send Zuhair Ibn Qais  and Hassan Ibn Thabit to conquer North Africa. Begin, Abdul Malik send Zuhair Ibn Qais to attack North Africa because Native Of North Africa, Berber, allied with Byzantine Empire. At 69 H, Zuhair captured Kairouan from Chief Of Berber, Kusaila Ibn Lamram who supported by Byzantine Empire and defeat Kusaila at Battle Of Mamas. Kusaila killed and his army destroyed. Byzantine Army attack Muslim Territories at North Africa, City Of Barqah and kill many civilians. Zuhair came to Barqah and faced Byzantine Army. But, he die. Invasion to North Africa next by Hasan Ibn Numan, who succeded occupied remnant territories at North Africa that not yet occupied by Muslims before it. Such as Chartage and Ifriqiyya. Abdul Malik also launch invasion at Central Asia.  He conquer State Of Afghanistan and at 705 , Muslim Army under Qutayba Ibn Muslim can occupied Takharistan and Balkh at Central Asia.

Not only conquest, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan also has service at Umayyad s monetary. He create Umayyad s  currency. Before his era, Umayyad Dynasty use currency from Persia and Byzantine Empire.  At 691 AD, he also build Dome Of The Rock at Mosque Al-Aqsa Complect.

For know about Mosque Al-Aqsa and Dome Of The Rock, you can access this article:

Where Mosque Al-Aqsa At The Koran? Historical Explained. - ACITYA HISTORY

Caliph Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan also make post system at kingdom with horse from one location to other location for state administration. Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan can mentioned as founder from Umayyad s golden age. He united Umayyad Dynasty and build Umayyad Dynasty s system that will used by his successors. It is big achievment for Umayyad Dynasty.  According Historian Marshal Hodgson, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan can considered as third biggest caliph at Islamic History after Umar Ibn Khattab and Muawiyah Ibn Abi Sufyan. Abdul Malik die at 705 AD, after prepare Umayyad Dynasty entered his golden age.


Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Hodgson, Marshall: The Venture Of Islam: Iman dan Sejarah dalam Peradaban Dunia: Masa Klasik Islam, Buku Pertama: Lahirnya Sebuah Tatanan Baru, Penerbit Paramadina Jakarta, 2002 M.

Lathif, Prof.DR.Muhammad Abdussyafi: Bangkit Dan Runtuhnya Khilafah Bani Umayyah: 41-133 H/661-750 M:Kekhalifahan Islam Pertama Setelah Khulafaur Rasyidin, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.


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