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Islam And Slavery At Early Islamic History: How Muslims Erased Slavery?

Source: Flickr.

Today, we will discuss how Muslims erased slavery step by step. And, how slavery erased  step by step at Islamic Golden Age? Ok, at this article, we will discuss about Islam and Slavery at early Islamic History. We will discuss about slavery at Early Islamic History and how slave raised at  Islamic Golden Age? Ok, lets search it and we will find how Muslim repair world civilization at middle age.

According Historian Ahmad Hatta, slavery practic started by Roman Empire. And, follow by Israelites and Christian. Paul, one founder from Christian Teaching send letter to Residenst Of Ephesus that this containt command slaves at City Of Ephesus obey their boss like they obey Propeth Isa Al-Masih Alaihissalam . At Arabia Peninsula, Slavery practics doing by Arabian Tribes at Pre-Islamic Era and Arabian at Pre-Islamic Era make warhostages as slave and they treat their slaves with bad treatment.  At 7 TH Century, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam preach Islamic Teaching at Arabia Peninsula.  Pagan Quraish at Mecca tortured their slaves who convert to Islam. And, Muslims became pioneer of slave liberation.  When Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam preach, he doesnt erased slavery immeditealy. He started with repair slavery concept. He  command slave s boss to treat himslave with good treatment,  Example, boss must give food to his slave with food that same with his food and clothes like his clothes.

At Goverment Era Of Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab, life a slave who became scholar, he is Abu Al-Aliyah Rufay Ibn Mihran ( die 712 AD). He is Persian who became Muslim Hostages and next, became slave from Muslim Woman from Tribes Of Tamim.  Rufay convert to Islam and he studied Al-Quran. His boss interest with Rufay s cleverness and he liberate Rufay from slavery. Rufay studied Islam to several shahaba such as Abdullah bin Masud, Ubay Ibn Kaab, Abu Ayyub Al-Anshary, Abu Hurairah and Abdullah Ibn Abbas. And, he succeded became  Islamic Big Teacher.

At Era Of Abbasid Dynasty  (750-1258 AD),  Muslim Caliphs buy slave from Nation Of Slavians, Greek, Armenia, and Berber. Abbasid Caliphate make them as caliph guardian.  Abbasid Caliph, Al-Makmun make son from his slave as Governor Of Damascus and Egypt. He is Ahmad Ibn Thulun.

This tradition, also next by Ayyubid Dynasty at Crusade Era. , they recruited Slaves from Turks and Mongols to became elite army. And this elite army named by Mameluke, that started from 648 H, became independent dynasty. Mameluke Army , originally are slaves from Mongols and Turks that buy by As-Shalih Ayyub, Sultan Of Ayyubid Dynasty and became elite Ayyubid Guardian Army.  For discussion about Mameluke Dynasty, was we discuss at this article:
Mameluke Dynasty s Fact That Important For You Know - ACITYA HISTORY

Ottoman Empire, also next system that doing by Ayyubid and Mameluke Dynasty.  Sultan Orhan Gazi ( ruled 1326-1362 AD), recruited hostages from Europe who in age 10-20 years old as elite army, named Janissary. At begin, hostages will work at Turkish Villages  as slave and studied to speak in Turkish and after this, they will studied at military school and became Elite Turkish Army.  According Historian Tamim Ansary, Janissary and Mameluke Army have equation: Mameluke is Turky Slave that recruited at Arabs and Persian s castles for became guardian. And, Janissar is European Slave that recruited at Turkish Castles for guardian.

It is slavery at Early Islamic History. Islam, erased slavery step by step by lift slave position to  proper position.

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Dalil Alquran dan Hadits Penghapusan Perbudakan dalam Islam | Republika Online, accesed 7 September 2024, 10: 19 PM. 


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