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Historical Text Critic Method: Fast Way To Become History Detective.

Source: Pixabay.

Today i will share to you fast way to become history detective that teach by my lecturer, ,MRS.Iin Nur Zulaili. With this method, we can know about how to search historical text and find his truth. And, we will work as history detective with his technic. Read this article until end, because at this article, we will learn about historical method that must know by history detective.

First: Sourcing: you must identified your document ( book/script/journal, or other) that you use as your refrences for write history. You must identified who wrote this, this document credible or not  credible, and what s author s perpective. Example you will write about Abbasid Caliphate, you can choose several main refrences about Islamic History, such as Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, History Of The Arabs, and other, note the erspective from writter.  Try to search objective refrences.

Second: Contextualization: identified when and where document created? Priority the book that use ‘contemporaries’ source or if can, contempioraries source. And identified, when write this document? It is can help you to find and choose data from document that you use for write about history.  And, note also condition when this document written. Example, if you research about Crusade, and you use notes from Ibn Jubayr  who meet Saladin at Third Crusade, we can  identified how condition at Third Crusade.

Third: Corrobation:compare this document with other document that discuss similar themes and identified it. It is two document sincront or not sincront? If not sincront , why one from two document not sincront? Note it with careful and write several important point, if you need.

Fourth: Close Reading: note carefully how author s perspective with seeing style language at this book. And, note is symbol, picture, map, or other at document can persuade reader to trust this document? And what claim that written by author s document?

With fourth step, you can search truth from one history narration with read several document. And, it is make us can write quality historical writting.


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