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Wall Of Jerusalem: This Site Save Saladin s Struggle Memory.


Source: Agapebyblestudy.

Wall Of Jerusalem, Palestine save collective memory that  remembered Muslim to one of Greatest Muslim Leader at Middle Age, Saladin ( Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi). At this article, we will discuss about this archaeological sites, that located on Jerusalem, Palestine. Read this article until end for get complete information ad subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

According Historian Adi Widjajanto, Wall Of Jerusalem , at old time  builded by Propeth Sulaiman Alaihissalam who at this period became King Of Israel with Jerusalem as Capital City. Wall Of Jerusalem, became fortress for Kingdom Of Israel at Ancient Age. When Roman Empire control Jerusalem  at 70-130 AD, they make Wall Of Jerusalem as their fortress.They re build Wall Of Jerusalem with Roman Architecture. And, next into Byzantine Empire Era. At 637 AD, Muslim Conquer Jerusalem. Arabian Sources, such as narrated by Historian Ibn Kathir , tell Muslims Army besieged Jerusalem hardly. It is because power from the Wall Of Jerusalem. But, Muslim Army can entered Jerusalem and Jerusalem became Islamic Territories.

Jerusalem ruled by Muslims Authority alternating, Rashidun Caliphate, Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid Caliphate and other Muslim Dynasty.Until Jerusalem lead by Fathimid Dynasty. At 1099 AD, Crusader besieged Jerusalem and they besieged it for one month. Fathimid Army survive behind Wall Of Jerusalem. Crusader cannot entered Jerusalem because Fortress Of Jerusalem is so strong. But by  Siege Tower, Crusader can destroy Fortress Of Jerusalem, also with helped of mangonel and archer.  At 22 July 1099 AD, Crusader established Kingdom Of Jerusalem with City Of Jerusalem as his capital.  At 583 H/ 1187 AD, Jerusalem, after Battle Of Hitthin beetwen Saladin, Founder Of Ayyubid Dynasty  and Crusader Army, besieged by Saladin Army. Crusader, was re build strong wall at Jerusalem. Historian DR.Muhammad Ali As-Shallabi write, Saladin besieged city and battle beetwen Saladin s army and Crusader broke under Wall Of Jerusalem. This time is so epic, Saladin and his army tried to  breaking through the wall and Muslim Army can destroy Jerusalem s Wall s defense. Saladin also use mangonel for destroy Wall Of Jerusalem. Until 12 October 1187 AD, Saladin entered Jerusalem and occupied this city.

When Jerusalem occupied by Crusader, they re build City Wall and  add it with Templar Knight s headquarter. And, also they build wall in front Of Masjid Al Aqsa and use it for military s warehouse. Saladin destroy remnant of Crusader s  military building at Jerusalem.

At 587 H/1191 AD, Richard The Lion Heart, King Of England lead Third Crusade and he want attack Jerusalem after defeat Saladin Army at Battle Of Arsuf. Saladin  strengthen Wall Of Jerusalem. Richard ask an Crusader who stay at Palestine for make map Jerusalem defense, and after it, Richard studied the map, about Jerusalem  s walls and Ayyubid defense. Richard said Crusader cannot occupied Jerusalem when Saladin still alive.

At 1229 AD, Al-Kamil, Saladin s successor as Ayyubid Sultan, submit Jerusalem to Frederick,  King Of German and Crusader Commander. Al-Kamil doing it because struggle for throne at Ayyubid Dynasty. He agree  acovenant with Frederick, Frederick ruled Jerusalem and Al-Kamil foccuss fight againt his rival from Ayyubid Dynasty. Frederick will protect Al-Kamil from threatment from Crusaders s state at Palestine.  Muslims will handled their mosque at Jerusalem and Crusader get several curch at Jerusalem.  Frederick entered Jerusalem with his guardian, Teutonic Knight. Jerusalem handled by Crusader until 1244 AD, when this city captured by Army Of Khwarizm from Central Asia, who drive out Crusader from this holy city. Ibn Batutta, an 14 TH Muslim Traveller who visit Jerusalem said at this era, Jerusalem Wall was destroyed by Ayyubid Kings , they destroy it because fear Crusader will captured this city. At 16 TH Century, Jerusalem repaired when ruled by Ottoman Dynasty under Sultan Suleyman I.

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