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Why Mameluke Dynasty Collapse? History Analyzing


Source: IMDB.

At previous article, we was discuss about fact from Mameluke Dynasty, now we will analyze, why Mameluke Dynasty collapse? What this factor? Who attack Mameluke Dynasty?  Ok, please read this article until end and we will uncover,  what s really factor from Ruin Of Mameluke Dynasty?  Lets discuss it and this is one exciting discussion, uncover how dynasty ruin and disappear from  history. Lets search it.

At previous article, we was discuss fact from Mameluke Dynasty , primely about throne succession. Now, we will discuss why Mameluke Dynasty collapse? We will discuss internal and external fact.

For understanding this topic, recommended read the previous article. You can read it in this link:
Mameluke Dynasty s Fact That Important For You Know - ACITYA HISTORY

At era of Second Mameluke Dynasty ( Burjid dynasty) that rule from  1318-1517 AD.  Mameluke Dynasty weakened because several incompetents sultan. According Historian IbnuThagri Birdi, one of Burji Sultan, Al-Muayyad Shaykh is drunker and he is very cruel.  Other sultan, Barsbay ( ruled 1422-1438 AD) cannot speak at Arabic Language.  And, Sultan Inal ( ruled 1453-1460 AD), according Historian who life at this era, Ibnu Thagri Birdi, cannot read and write. Ibnu Thagri Birdi write that Sultan Inal doesnt memorized Al-Fatihah, first chapter at Quran ( Islamic Holy Book). Sultan Yalbay ( ruled 1468-1495 AD) is crazy and cannot read and write.  He also ever command to Ali Ibn Al-Marshusi, an expert at chemistry for change wreck metal into the gold. Ali cannot do this and Sultan Yalbay angry, he  blinding Ali and cut his tongue. At era of Sultan Barquq ( ruled 1382-1398 AD), first Burji leader , economy at Mameluke Sultanate putrefy.

Other internal factors is intolerance to Non Muslim and poor people, Burji Dynasty oppresed Jews and Christian at his territories, even Arabian Farmer.

External factor from Ruin Of Burji Dynasty is several raid from other nations.  At 1400 AD, Mongols Army under Tamerlane attack North Syria, one of Mameluke Territories.  Muslim Historian, Ibn Khaldun, record Tamerlane destroy City Of Aleppo, Syria and he destroy mosque, though Tamerlane is Muslim. And, it is  one biggest defeated for Mameluke Dynasty

And, other striker  from external is Portuguese. Portuguese became main marytime power at 16 TH Century, but, Mameluke Dynasty, at begin success defeat Portuguese Navy at Battle Of Chaul, when Mameluke Navy lead by Husein Al-Kurdi.But, since Portuguese control  Waters Of India, and at 1500 AD, Portuguese Occupied West India and they also destroy Aden, mind ports of Mameluke Dynasty.

At 1516 AD, Ottoman Turks under Sultan Selim I surge to MamelukeDynasty s territories.  They defeat Mameluke Army under their sultan, Qanshu Al-Ghawri and Ottoman occupied Mameluke Dynasty s territories at Middle East, such as Palestine and Syria. This raid because Mameluke Dynasty have contact with one Ottoman Enemy, Shia Dynasty Of Safavid at Iran.

At 1517 AD, Ottoman Army defeat Mameluke Army at Battle Of Raidaniyya and they conquer Egypt. Thoman Bay, last Mameluke Sultan killed.

This external factor: raids from Mongols, Portuguese, and Ottoman Turks, really can handled if Mameluke Dynasty lead by competent sultan.   From this history, we can learn : state, group, or other if lead by incompetent leader can collapse at this time, may we can learn from history.


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