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Mameluke Dynasty s Fact That Important For You Know


Source: Mavink.

Mameluke Dynasty, popular at Islamic History at ‘slave goverment; that ruled Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and other territories at Middle East. Today, we will discuss Is Mameluke a dynasty? How many dynasties at Mameluke Goverment? Ok, we will discuss it. Pleas read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

At this episode, we will discuss begin with discussion. Is Mameluke Dynasty really ‘dynasty’ at original mean. Important to your know, Mameluke first s sultan : Aybak ( ruled 1250-1257 AD), Quthuz ( ruled 1259-1260 AD) , Baybars (  ruled 1260-1277 AD) and Qallawun ( ruled  1277-1290 AD) NOT  have blood relation. They are not father and son, not like dynasty usually, goverment inheritage from his father to his son. So, how they climb the goverment?

Early Mameluke Dynasty, begin from Bahri Army , Ayyubid Dynasty s elite army that consist of slave from Turks and Mongols slaves. Because this, early Mameluke Dynasty called by Bahri Dynasty ( 1250-1390 AD).  From this groups, early Mameluke Sultan originated.

Their method achieve power so freak. Mameluke , under Izz addin Aybak take  Ayyubid Sultanate with marriage strategy. Izz Addin married widow from Last Ayyubid Sultan, As- Shalih Ayyub. She is Shajar Al-Durr. And Aybak became de facto sultan. Aybak appointed his son, Al Manshur Ali as his successor, but Al-Manshur Ali ousted by other Mameluke General, Quthuz. Quthuz killed by his one general, Baybars and Baybars became sultan. Baybars appointed his son, Barkat Khan to replaced him. Barkat Khan only ruled 1277-1279 AD, and he ousted by his generals because he is incompetent. His generals appointed his young brother, Salamisy, who still 7 years old and only ruled for one years. He only ruled for 1279 AD and goverment handled by his general, Qallawun, who is former slave from Kipchak. Qallawun use this chance to ousted Salamasy and became sultan. Fix, it is not dynasty.

According Historian Tamim Ansary, Early Mameluke Dynasty lead by ‘military corporation’. Crown prince only became temporal solution until appear strong general for captured goverment. According Historian Tamim Ansary, Mameluke Dynasty structur consist of several levels. New Mameluke Warrior will up to next level and became highest level-general ( Amir). Strongets general can captured goverment. Really dynasty at Early Mameluke Goverment. Qallawun, is sultan who success ‘keep’ throne for his descedant until last Bahri Sultan, Al-Shalih Hajji (  ruled 1389-1390). According me, Qallawun is original founder of Mameluke Dynasty. Before him, Mamleuke Goverment was exist, but not in shape of dynasty.Mameluke Bahri Dynasty, replaced by Mameluke Burji ( ruled 1382-1517 AD). The different, Mameluke Burji, begin, is army corps that recruited by Qallawun as palace guard.  At era of Mameluke Burji, according Historian Philip.K.Hitti, dynasty concept ended and Mameluke Dynasty back to his original system ‘military corporation’. Throne became  own who can captured it and influenced generals. Mameluke Burji , originated from Circassia. But , two Mameluke Burji s sultan, Khushqadam ( ruled 1461-1467 AD) and Timurbugha ( ruled 1467 AD) are Greeks. Other sultan originated from Circassia.

It is fact about Mameluke Dynasty that you must know. Mameluke Dynasty, at his early time, not dynasty in original mean, but military corporation. At next article, we will analyze factor from Mameluke Dynasty s ruin. If you feel this article give you benefit, please share this article to your beloved  people.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Thaqqus, DR.Muhammad Suhail: Bangkit dan Runtuhnya Dinasti Mamluk Di Mesir dan Syam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2018 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

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