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Why France dont became Islamic Kingdom?

Source: classichistorynet.

France, is one state at Europe that have many Muslims Population, but the question, why France dont have history about Islamic Kingdom? Why , until today, dont finded archaeologist or phylological source that  became proof at France, exist Islamic Kingdom? Ok, lets search it.

At Umayyad Caliphate Era, Muslims started expantion to France, after Spain occupied by Muslims Power.  Umayyad Caliph, Sulaiman Ibn Ab Al-Malik appointed Governor Of Spain, Al-Hurr At-Thaqafi to attack Frankish Nations at France s boundaries.

But, Al-Hurr replaced by new governor before his duty complete. He replaced by  As-Samh Ibn Malik, who held invation to Mountain Of Pyrenees, Narbonne, and Carcasonne.  But, Ruler Of Aquitane, Prince Eudo faced Muslims Army at Tolouse, at 721 AD, at this battle, As-Samh die. Frankish Army under Eudo forced Muslims Army.

One of  Muslims Warrior, Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi, bring back Muslims Army savely. After this, Spain Governor keeped by Anbasah Ibn Suhaym. Anbasah attack several France territories and captured city of Carcassone, Nine, and Provence. But, at 107 H, he die at battle againts Frankish Army. After several Governor Of Spain die, Abdurrahman appointed as Governor Of Spain. He ruled with fair, and treat his people with good treat,  he fair to Muslims, Jews, and Christian.  After stabilized goverment at Spain, Abdurrahman moved to  Mountain Of Pyrenees and Muslims Army across River Of La Garonne.  Prince Eudo ask help to King Of Frankish, Charles Martel. At 114 H, Charles Martel moved his army to faced Muslims Army at Tour. Battle broke and Muslims Army  almost achieved victory. But, Frankish Army entered Muslims Camp, that at this camp, saved  Muslim s spoils of war.  Muslims Army run to their camp for save their spoils, and they dont focuss faced enemy.  Abdurrahman killed and Muslims Army forced retreat from battlefields.

Because defeated at this battle, Umayyad Invasions  at Europe, only stopped at Spain. But, Islamic Preaching at Europe dont stopped at this event. Muslims do expedition and they succeded occupied Sicilia, Italy, and several territories at Apenina Peninsula.  At 1453 AD, Ottoman Turks conquer Constantinople, all of this event, can you read at this articles:

Searching Islamic History At Italy. - ACITYA HISTORY

Mehmed II Al-Fatih: Conqueror Of Constantinople. - ACITYA HISTORY

From this history, we can learn, defeated not forever , but we can  forward at  tomorrow, if we can studied from their mistakes, and designed better step for tomorrow.

Djaja, Wahyudi: Sejarah Eropa Dari Eropa Kuno Hingga Eropa Modern, Penerbit Ombak, 2012 M.

Suntiah, Ratu dan DR.Maslani: Sejarah Peradaban Islam,Penerbit Remaja Rosdakarya, 2019 M.

Lathif, Prof.DR.Abdussyafi Muhammad Abdul: Bangkit dan Runtuhnya Khilafah Bani Umayyah : Kekhalifahan Islam Pertama Setelah Khulafaur Rasyidin, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.


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