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Usama Ibn Munqidh: Muslim Peace Hero Being Crusade.

Source: TamHusein.

Maybe, we more familiar with Saladin, Nur Addin Mahmud, and Imad Ad Din Zangi as Hero Of Crusade. But, other them, exits other hero who became peace hero beetwen Muslim and Christians at Crusade. He became bridge for good relation beetwen Muslim and Christian. He is Usama Ibn Munqidh, ok, lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Beetwen 1096-1291 AD, broke long war beetwen Muslims and Christian called Crusade. For know about Islamic Hero at Crusade , you can open this link:

Imad Ad Din Zengi: The Forgotten Hero. - ACITYA HISTORY

Nur Addin Zengi: Saladin S Mentor. ( Part 1) - ACITYA HISTORY

Nur Ad Din Zengi: Saladin S Mentor. ( Part 2) The Legendary Battle Of Harim - ACITYA HISTORY

Nur addin Zengi: Saladin S Mentor ( Part 3): Annexation Of Egypt. - ACITYA HISTORY

Usama, is one of Muslim Nobleman, who born at 1095 AD. He is came from Kingdom Of Shayzar, one of little kingdom at Syria.  Usama,  ever became Fathimid Dynasty s officer at Egypt. And, after this, he moved to Damascus and became assistant from Damascus s mayor, Muin Addin Unur.  At 1099 AD, when Usama still a child, Jerusalem fall at hand of Crusader. And standed 4 European Kingdom at Levantine ( now Palestine, Syria, Lybanon, and around this): Edessa, Antioch, Jerusalem, and Tripoly.

Usama, became Damascus Ambassador to Crusader Kingdom.  He has several bestfriends from Templar Knight, one of Crusader Elite Warrior. He also became a historian who recording Crusader s life at Syria and Palestine.

Usama recorded several Crusaders imitate Muslim s lifestyle. One day, he visited one of house from his friend, who is   pensioner from Crusader.  The pensioner doesnt eat the pork, and Usama eat at his house. He also has a service introduce medicine to European who lived at Palestine.  He record , beetwen peace age, Muslim and Christian at Palestine  do exchange of culture. European know Islamic Medicine from several Muslim Doctors who worked at Crusaders Territories.

One day, Usama pray  when he visited Crusader s territories. One of European who  just came from Europe forced Usama pray  overlooking qibla of Christian. But, several Templar Knight , who was live at Palestine for old time, forced this people to doesnt do this, because they was know Muslim s pray method. They say to Usama: it is new European who just came from Europe and doesnt know Muslim  s prayer method.

Usama, die at  1188, One year from Conquest Of Jerusalem 1187 by Saladin.  Usama, is one of bridge beetwen Islamic Civilization and Western Civilization. He has a service introduce medicine to Europe,  though at his age, relation beetwen Islam and Western Civilization is not good. May Islamic History can became example to us: how became useful people, though world is not always ideal.


Hillenbrand, Carole: Perang Salib Sudut Pandang Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2015 M.

Suntiah, Ratu dan DR.Maslani: Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Rosda, 2017 M.

Bangsawan Kota Shayzar dan Kisah Perang Salib - Hidayatullah.com, accesed 4 May, 2024, 09: 46 PM.


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