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Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan: Controvertial Character ? ( Part 2)

Source: Devian Art.

Today, i will next discussion about Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan. How his role at Battle Of Shiffin and how he became first king at Islam? Ok, lets read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History, we can discuss controvertion about Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan, why he joined Muslims Civil War? Ok, we will discuss it.

From know early biography about Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan, please read this article :
Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan: Controvertial Character? (Part 1) - ACITYA HISTORY

After Murdered Of Utsman Ibn Affan, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan and several shahaba ask Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, who replaced Caliph Utsman Ibn Affan to kill Utsman s murders. But, Ali said the rebels have great power and he cannot do it. Because provocation from Hukaim Ibn Jabala, Ali s  follower and Aisha s follower , fight at Battle Of Jamal.  Aisha is one of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s wife who want replied Utsman s murders.  According Ibn Kathir, several Utsman s murders also provocated Ali and Aisha to confront.  At this battle, two shahaba, Zubair and Thalha die. Aisha ride a camel  with  smuggle. She command her army from her smuggle.

This battle ended with Ali Ibn Abi Thalib s victory. And, Aisha suffered accident fall from her camel and  brought to a camp for rest. 10.000 Muslims die at this battle.

Muawiya, who this time became Governor Of Syria threat Ali he doesnt  confess Ali Ibn Abi Thalib s reign and will attack Ali and his army. Ali went from Kufa to Syria  with his army.  Muawiya out with 135.000 army to faced Ali Ibn Abi Thalib who bring 1000.000 army. Battle broke at Shiffin. Battle broke at 657 AD,  but battle beetwen Ali and Muawiya ended with peace treatment.

After die of Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, Muawiya crowned as caliph at Jerusalem at 660 AD, but at Iraq, son of Ali, Hasan crowned as caliph. Hasan  submit  caliphate to Muawiya, and Muawiya became caliph of Islamic Territories.  Since Muawiya became caliph, caliphate became kingdom.  Inherited  hereditary and not like at age of Rashidun Caliphate, choosed according skills and  deliberation.

Muawiya founded Umayyad Dynasty, as new power of Islam. He make Palestine and Lebanon s coastal as Islamic Navy s center. And, at this era, Muslims attack Central Asia and across Oxus River.

Muawiya also attack Anatolia to conquer Byzantine s territories at this place. Muawiya built several fortress at this era, from Malatia until Tarsus.

At 669 AD, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan tried conquer Constantinople. From Byzantine Army.  Umayyad Army , under his son, Yazid Ibn Muawiya,  Umayyad Army besieged Constantinople. At this battle, one of old shahaba, Abu Ayyub Al-Anshari die because sick at the battle.  But, the battle ended with failed. Constantinople dont conquered by Umayyad Army. Byzantine Emperor at this age, named Constantine IV ( ruled 668-685 AD)

At 1453, Constantinople will be conquered at the hand of Mehmed II  or Muhammad Al-Fatih, who was we discuss at this article:

Mehmed II Al-Fatih: Conqueror Of Constantinople. - ACITYA HISTORY

According Historian,  Philip.K.Hitti, Muawiya has hight competition  at his leadership. He is wise person and many use peace to lead his kingdom. He lead Umayyad Dynasty until 680 AD, when he die and replaced by his son, Yazid.

From this history, we can studied   a man at history, doenst  full is good person.  Sometimes, good person has bad side. We dont must agree with them. But, we cannot judge people from one sides only. And history is art for seeing human wisely.


Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir: Perjalanan Hidup Empat Khalifah Rasul Yang Agung, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2012 M.

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