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Battle Of Ankara 1402 : First Ruin Of Ottoman.

Source: Pinterest.

Maybe, we know Ottoman Caliphate fall at 20 TH Century, at era of Caliph Abdul Majid II, but do you know, Ottoman ever suffered first ruin at the era of Sultan Bayezid I. Yes, it is Battle Of Ankara , when Ottoman Army faced Mongols Army that command by Tamerlane. Because this battle, Bayezid I cannot conquer Constantinople, ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

For Tamerlane s biography, you can read this article:
Tamerlane: Last Mongol Emperor - ACITYA HISTORY

At 14 TH Century,  Tamerlane, one of Muslims Mongol Leader do expansion to Middle East. He destroy Iraq, Armenia, and several part of Anatolia, according Memoir Of Ibn Khaldun, Tamerlane captured Anatolia and attack City Of Damascus at Syria.  Along 14 TH Century, Sultan Bayezid I Of Ottoman also do expansion at Anatolia. He expanded cities at Anatolia that not yet submissive to Ottoman Dynasty. He captured cities of Aqsaray, Nigde, and Larende, and also territories of Karaman. At 1399 AD, Bayezid captured Cities of Sivas, Toqat, and Kayseri. At 1400 AD, Tamerlane attack Ottoman Fortress at Sivas and kill many warriors. Tamerlane forced Bayezid to submissive to Mongol Empire and  give his son  for Tamerlane s prisoner, but Bayezid rejected it, and at 1402 AD,Ottoman Army and Mongol Army face to face at Chubuq, a location near Ankara. Ottoman Army consist of Ottoman Cavalry and Serbian Army that joined with Ottoman Army., and several Mongols Mercenaries that live at Anatolia Tamerlane have several elephant riders at his army. Tamerlane. Tamerlane provocated Mongols Mercenaries to figt at his side, Mongols Army insist Ottoman Army and many Ottoman Army escaped from battle. Bayezid prisoned by Tamerlane. Tamerlane occupied City Of Nicaea, Bursa, and Izmir. At 1402 AD, Tamerlane conquer Iznik from Knight Of Hospitaller. According Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu,  Ottoman Army suffered defeated because several commanders of Ottoman dont enthusiast figt at this battle. Because this battle is battle beetwen Muslims versus Muslims.

After this battle, Bayezid kill his self at jail and State Of Ottoman suffered disintegration, Tamerlane invaded Ottoman Territories at Anatolia and Ottoman territory at Europe such as Bulgary, Serbia, and Wallachia do separated movement and separated their states from Ottoman Dynasty.

Bayezid Sons fight for get Ottoman s throne. One of Bayezid s son, Sulaiman, founded state at Edirne, and get support from Byzantine Emperor, Immanuel II, other Bayezid s son, Isa, founded state at Bursa, and third, son, Muhammad / Mehmed I, captured Tokat and Amasya at Anatolia, and make it at basic to united Ottoman Empire.

We can take the lesson from this history, split beetwen Muslims is not good, and we must consider fellow Muslims as brother/ sister, and not hostile beetwen Muslims, because it is destroy Muslims brotherhood, and became factor of destroyed.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Penerbit Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Khaldun , Ibnu: Rihlah Ibnu Khaldun: Memoar Perjalanan Bapak Sosiologi dan Filsafat Sejarah Paling Brilian sepanjang Sejarah, Penerbit Alvabet, 2023 M.

Maksudoglu, Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Penerbit Al-Kausar, 2023 M. 


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