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Ruin Of Roman Empire And Rise Of Byzantine Empire.

Source: National Geographic.

Constantinople, is East Roman Empire ( Byzantine) s capital. And, this city is coastal city with long wall that protected this city from invaders.  We will discuss   early history of Constantinople, and how Constantinople can became sucessor from Roman Empire, Constantinople is very important city at Islamic History. Ok, lets read this article until end, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Constantinople, found by Emperor Constantine  I The Great from Roman Empire at 330 AD. The city  found above ruins of Greek City named Byzantine, because this Roman Empire at Constantinople named Byzantine Empire Or East Roman Empire. At Era Of Constantine I The Great, Christian religion fixed as Roman Empire s religion. Constantine I ruled being 324-337 AD as Roman Emperor.  Roman Emperor Diocletianus split Roman Empire to West Roman Empire that have City Of Milan as capital, and East Roman Empire with capital Constantinople.. At 476 AD, West Roman Empire collapsed because Odoacher, an Germany Commander, attack City Of Rome, and  Last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus, fall from his throne.  At 527 AD, Byzantine Empire ruled by Emperor Justinian The Great. At 533 AD, Emperor Justinian do expedition againt Kingdom Of Vandals at North Africa, and at at 534 AD, Byzantine Empire conquer Italia from Kingdom Of Ostrogoth. At 540-562 AD, Byzantine Empire fight with Sassanid Empire Of Persia under Emperor Nushirvan ( Anusyirwan) The Great. According Historian Marshal Hodgson, Emperor Justinian succeded re-founded United Roman Empire.

Beetwen 603-628 AD, broke big battle beetwen Byzantine and Persian Empire. According Historian Marshal Hodgson, the power from Byzantine and Persian at this war , run out, but Sassanid Empire Of Persian returun Holy Cross to Jerusalem, that under Byzantine Empire.  And, according Marshal Hodgson, became symbol of Christian s victory at Byzantine Empire.

But, along 634-649 AD, Muslims Power do expansion to Byzantine Empire s territory and they succeded conquer  Sham ( at modern time: Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon) and North Africa from Byzantine Empire. According Historian Manshur Abdul Hakim, Muslims Raid  to Sham, included Palestine, happened because Byzantine Empire threat Muslim Boundary. Muslim Warriors defeat Byzantine Army at Battle Of Yarmouk at 13 H.

At 655 AD, Muslims Navy defeat Byzantine Navy at West Coastal Of Anatolia. The battle called Dhat Al-Shawari, and Byzantine Emperor at this time, run from Muslim Navy. It is Muslims victory from one of giant empire at the world. It is begin from fall of Byzantine Empire.

Ok, it is my article today, if you feel this article give you benefit, please share this article to your beloved people, and subscribe my blog for get more information about Islamic History.

Lathif, Prof DR.Muhammad Abdussyafi: Bangkit dan Runtuhnya Khilafah Umayyah, Pustaka Al Kautsar, 2016 M.

Hakim, Manshur Abdul: Khalid Bin Al-Walid: Panglima Yang Tak Terkalahkan, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Hodgson, Marshall: The Venture Of Islam: Iman dan Sejarah dalam Peradaban Dunia: Masa Klasik Islam, Buku Pertama: Lahirnya Sebuah Tatanan Baru, Penerbit Paramadina, 2002 M.

Penyebab Runtuhnya Kekaisaran Romawi - National Geographic (grid.id), accesed at 14 May , 2024, 14: 50 PM.

Justinian the Great, Pemimpin Visioner di Kekaisaran Romawi Timur - Halaman 3 - National Geographic (grid.id), accesed at 14 May, 2024, 14: 50 PM.


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