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Forgotten Story: Mehmet II Al-Fatih VS Vlad Dracula.

Source: Pinterest.
 Today, i will discuss about origin of Dracula and his relation with Mehmet II. Is he historical figure, or only live at mithology.  Because, maybe we hear his name at movie, comics, and game. And, now, we will search. Is he historical figure who exist at the past? Or only horror fairy tales? Read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

For know about Muhammad Al-Fatih/ Mehmet II s biography, and how his struggle to conquer Constantinople, read this article :

Mehmed II Al-Fatih: Conqueror Of Constantinople. - ACITYA HISTORY

Ok, for know it, we must know Mehmed II and Dracula s backstory.  Vlad  III Dracula, born at 1430 AD, he is son from Vlad II Dracul, an nobleman at Transylvania.  At 1436 AD, his father, Vlad II seize Throne Of Wallachia, a small kingdom at East Europe.  Vlad II attack State Of Ottoman , Sultan Murad II, father of Mehmet II defeat Vlad II, and bring his sons to Edirne, Capital City Of Ottoman, for educated at Ottoman Capital City. Vlad II Son  s are  Vlad III and Radu.  They became prisoner at Ottoman State. And, Radu convert to Islam, but Vlad II doesnt convert to Islam. Vlad II  promise loyal to Ottoman Empire.

At 1147 AD, Vlad II attacked by Hungary, and he killed by his enemy.  At 1447 AD, Ottoman Army moved to Wallachia and appointed Vlad III as Ruler Of Wallachia under Ottoman Supremation.  But, at 1456 AD, Vlad II fall from his throne, because his thorne seized by Vladislav, . Vlad III ask helped to Hungary,  and he succeded seize back his throne.  At 1456 AD, with Hungarian Army, he defeat Vladislav and seize Throne Of Wallachia. He popular as Vlad Dracula.

According Title Of Dracula, are two arguments. Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu trust Dracula meanin evil at Romanian Language. But, it is not disagree by Historian Sysilia Tanhati, Historian Sysilia Tanhati say: the mean of Dracula is Son Of Dragon.

After Conquest Of Constantinople ( read article at link above), Mehmet II , conquer   Serbia s territories, because at 1454 AD, King Of Serbia, Georga Brankovich attack Ottoman Territories. Mehmet II went with Ottoman Army, and he conquer Fortress Of Ostrovicha.  Mehmet II also moved to Albania, Serbia, Pontus, and defeat Last Greek Emperor at Asia Minor, he is Emperor Of Trabzon, David Comnenos.  Mehmet II also defeat Iskander Beg, Ruler Of Albania, who attack Ottoman Territories every oppurtunity.

Vlad III, conspirated with Kingdom Of Hungary, for attack Ottoman Empire.  Vlad III,  ruled Wallachia with cruel. He kill several noblemans with brutal method: the nobleman  pricked by spear from  rectum to head. After this, spear  plugged in land.  Because this, he titled by Vlad The Impaler.

After this,  Vlad III also kill wife from several noblemans with same method. Because he slander him joined his father s murdered. At 1462 AD, Mehmed II with Ottoman Navy attack Wallachia s territories at River Of Danube.  Broke battle beetwen Ottoman and Wallachian Army, Vlad III tried to kill Mehmet II, but he doesnt succeded and forced escaped to Hungary. At Hungary, he die at jail, it is according Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, but according Historian Sysilia Tanhati, and it is epics theory, Vlad III killed at the battle, when he fight with Hungarian Army againt Ottoman Empire.

Vlad Dracula, became inspiration for fiction novel that written by Bram Stroker at 1897 AD, titled Dracula, it is inspired by cruelness this character. According Historian Sysilia Tanhati, Dracula kill 60.000 people at his goverment age.

Historian Sysilia Tanhati said, Vlad III love tortured people with cruel, because his family killed cruelly.  Included his father, Vlad II, from this story we can take a lesson, what seeing by a people at his childhood, it is will he bring to his adult age. If we have children, or young brother/ sisiter, we must habit him with good habit, because it will bring until he became adult.


Maksudoglu, Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Vlad si Drakula, Sejarah Penguasa Paling Sadis dari Rumania Selatan - National Geographic (grid.id), accesed 25 April 2024, 09: 35 PM.

Vlad the Impaler, Penguasa Bengis bak Drakula yang Haus Darah - National Geographic (grid.id), accesed 25 April 2024, 09: 36 PM.



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