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Majzaah Ibn Thaur At-Thadusy: Islamic Duel Hero At Conquest Of Persia.


Source: WallpaperAccess.

Today, we will discuss about one Muslim Hero who has important role at Conquest Of Persia, specially at Conquest From City Of Thustar. He is Majzaah Ibn Thaur At-Thadusy, one Muslim Duel Hero at City Of Thustar s Conquest by Rashidun Caliphate. His role also recorded at ancient manuscript, The History Of Khuzistan. Today, we will discuss his role at Conquest Of Persia, and how he became important general at City Of Thustar s conquest. Please read this article until end because we will discuss one important Muslim Hero at Conquest Of Persia, that often forgotten from Islamic History. Subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Not exist complete information about Majzaah Ibn Thaur s childhood and theen age. But, according Historian DR.Abdurrahman Rafat Basya, he is one cavalrymen at Rashidun Army  that command by Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab to join Conquest Of Persia. At 640 AD, Muslims Army expand territories Of Iraq, that under Persian Empire s  supemacy after Battle Of Qadisiyya. Muslim expand  Iraq Territories, because Persian Commander, Hormudzan, broke covenant with Rashidun Caliphate.

For know about Battle Of Qadisiyya, please read this article:
Muslim Invasion To Persia: Battle Of Qadisiyya. - ACITYA HISTORY

At 17 H, Hormudzan broke covenant and he attack Muslims Army , after covenant with Rashidun Caliphate at Ramahurmuz. Battle broke with Muslim Army that lead by Numan Ibn Muqarrin. Persian Army defeated and Hormudzan and his army s remnant ecape to Fortress City Of Thustar, Iraq. Rashidun Army, under Abu Sabra and Abu Musa Al-Ashary besieged City Of Thustar. This siege, is not easy, because City Of Thustar round by fortress and from fortress, Persian Army can attack Muslims behind wall with arrows. At this battle, Majzaah, as one Rashidun Warrior, show his brave. He fight at duel with Persian Army and can kill 100 Persian Fighters.

Though this, Muslims Army forced because Wall Of Tustar is so strong. One day, An Persian  Officer meet Commander Abu Musa and tell Abu Musa, Hormudzan was kill his brother and  seized his brother s assets.  An Persian Officer said to Abu Musa, he will show one  tunnel that from this tunnel, Muslims can entered City Of Thustar.  Abu Musa appointed Majzaah , who expert at swim and 300 Muslims Army who also expert at swim for entered city  from this tunnel that have water with high deep.  Persian Ancient Script, The History Of Khuzistan also record this event.  According The History Of Khuzistan, Rashidun Army entered city by tunnel under city and  they entered this city with help from 2 fortress keepers. Majzaah lead his small army entered city from this tunnel and can entered city, though many Rashidun Army die when entered city from this tunnel. Remnant from this resiment only 80 warriors.

Majzaah and his small army, attack Persian Garissons at City Of Thustar and they can open door from City Of Thustar. Many Rashidun Army entered city and battle broke. Muslims can conquer City Of Thustar,  Majzaah die because kill by Hormudzan but Hormudzan can captured by Muslims Army.

Al-Hafizh Ibnu Katsir: Perjalanan Hidup Empat Khalifah Rasul Yang Agung, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2012 M.

Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Muslim Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Basya, DR,.Abdurrahman Rafat: Sirah Sahabat: Kisah Indah dan Sejarah Gemilang Generasi Terbaik Umat Ini, Pustaka Al-Haura, 2012 M.


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