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Sinan: Assasin Leader Who Became Saladin s Bestfriend.

Source: Youtube.Com.

Today, we will discuss about one Assasin Leader who transform from Saladin s enemy to Saladin s bestfriend. He is Rashid Addin Sinan. Rashid Ad-Din Sinan, is one militia who has important role at Crusade. Today, we will discuss about this character and how he transform, from Saladin s enemy  who tried to kill Saladin to Saladin s bestfriend who help Saladin at Third Crusade. And, dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History and share this article to your beloved people or your friend, easy verb for you but so help us at educated people about Islamic History.

Sinan, is one leader from secret group Of Assasin, murder secret group that  adhering to Ismailid Shia Sect  For know about Group Of Assasin, you can read this article:
Assasin: Mysterious Murder Sect At Islamic History. - ACITYA HISTORY

When Hasan Ibn Sabbah established Assasin s Center Fortress at Alamut, Iran, at 11 TH Century, he send agent to Syria, named Abu Mohammad for established Assasin s Sect Branch at Syria. Abu Mohammad can recruited many follower and they can established a fortress at Jabal As-Samaq. But, Abu Mohammad die and his position replaced by Sinan. Sinan can conquer several fortress at Syria and expand Assasin s sect s territories. Sinan became one biggest enemy from Saladin, Founder Of Ayyubid Dynasty that have center at Egypt. Sinan, at Syria spread  diverge teaching. He recommended adultery and erased one Islamic Sharia, fasting at Month Of Ramadhan. Sinan became one influenced people at Syria. Sinan get new fortress for Sect Of Assasin  by attack several fortress or build new fortress.Sinan s followers dont fear to do terrorism action by attack people by knife, and many ruler at Syria fear because fear to Sinan s followers, according notes from Muslim Historian, Imam Dhahabi.  Sinan get follower with held several recitation about Ismailid Teaching.

At 1175 AD, Sinan tried to kill Saladin because he feel Saladin is one big enemy. When Saladin and Ayyubid Army besieged City Of Aleppo that ruled by one Saladin s rival from Zengid Dynasty, Gumushtegin.  Sinan send several Assasin for this mission. 13 Assasins tried to kill Saladin, but One Ayyubid General, Khumartegin, protect Saladin. Khumartegin die, but several Assasin die, until they retreat from Saladin s camp.

At 1176 AD, Assasin, under Sinan s command, tried again for kill Saladin. When Saladin besieged One Zengid Fortress, Azaz, several Assasin attack Saladin until he injured at his face. But, several Ayyubid Guardian can defeat a small group Of Assasin. Saladin, after occupied Fortress Of Azaz, attack Sinan s Center s Fortress at Masyaf, Syria. Saladin and Ayyubid Army bombard this castle with catapult and forced Sinan submit to Ayyubid Dynasty. Muslim Historian Ibn  Kathir recorded this moment. According Historian Ibn Kathir, Saladin captured many Assasin s fortress and destroy main Assasin s basic.  Sinan submit and he held peace covenant with Ayyubid Dynasty, he and his Assasin dont attack Ayyubid Dynasty. According Historian Ibn Al-Athir, Sinan wiling became Saladin s ally and together faced Crusader that threat Palestine s territories.

At 1192 AD, Sinan help Saladin at Third Crusade. He send Assasin member to Crusader Territories at Tyre, Lebanon to kill One Strongest Crusader Commander, Conrad De Montferrat, Conrad killed when he walk with his guardian . There two theory about this murdered, first theory, such as Ibn Al-Athir s theory that said Saladin pay Sinan to kill Richard The Lion Heart, King Of England who became Commander Of Crusader and also Conrad, but it is impossible, according Historian John Mann because Saladin is Sinan s enemy at the past. And, second theory, Richard pay Sinan to send several Assasin for kill Conras, but, according John Mann, it is impossible because Richard want make Conrad as Crusader King at Palestine. Whatever it is, Third Crusade ended at 1192 and Crusader leave Palestine, after they lost one important commander. According Historian John Mann, Sinan kill Conras because he prevent rise of Crusader s power that  blocking his action.

Not knowed how Sinan die. But according Muslim Historian Imam Dhahabi,  he die at 589 H, Imam Dhahabi only give concise explain about this.

Whatever it is, Sinan , only now is character who became mystery at Islamic History. Until know, we cannot know certainly, why he kill Conrad de Montferrat and how he die.


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