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Muslim Invasion To Persia: Battle Of Qadisiyya.

Source: Pixels.

Battle Of Qadisiyya, is one from important battle at Islamic History. This battle open gate to Iraq and Iran for Muslims Army. At this article, we will discuss about Battle Of Qadisiyya, and how Muslims conquer Empire Of Persia?But, before this, please subscribe this blog for more information about Islamic History.

From Era Of Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Empire Of Persia was have ambition to ruled Arabia Peninsula. At 630 AD, Farrukhzad, one of Persian Officer, help Tribes Of Hawazin to attack Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam . They give weapons for Tribes Of Hawazin and Tribes Of Thaqif wo want attack Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

At Era Of  Caliph Abu Bakar as-Shidiq, Persian Governor at Ubulla , Hurmuz, attack Arabians around this territories. Caliph Abu Bakar send Khalid Ibn Al-Walid to  prevent Hurmuz s plans, if he want attack Arabia Peninsula. Khalid Ibn Al-Walid moved to Iraq and defeat Hurmuz at Battle Dzat As-Salasil.  Khalid fight Persian Army at several battle, until he can conquer Kingdom Of Hirah at Iraq, one Arabian Kingdom who became Persian Ally. Khalid conquer Kingdom Of Hirah. Khalid conquer Hirah after Battle Of Ulays, 12 H, againt Persian-Arabs Coalition.

At Era Of Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab, Persian Empire send several provocators to Islam Territories to split Islamic Power. Caliph Umar send troops to attack Persian Territory, but Muslims Army defeated at Battle Of Bridge 634 AD, for know details about Battle Of Bridge, please read article below:
Al-Muthanna Ibn Haritha: One Of Pioner Conquest Of Persia. - ACITYA HISTORY

Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab send other army to conquer Persia. At 638 AD, according Armenian Sources, Persian and Muslim Army face to face at Qadisiyya, Iraq. According Imam Ibn Kathir, Persian Army numbered 120.000 until 20.000 warriors. According Abu Wail, an eyewitness, Muslim Army bring 8000 warrios and Persian Army , numbered 30.000 warriors.  Persian Army lead by Rustam, and Muslim Army lead by Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash.

According notes of Sebeos, an Armenian Writer, who write at 650 AD, Persian Army numbered 80.000 Persian Army and 3000 Armenian Warriors. Sebeos and Abu Wail s information s maybe more valid until information from Ibn Kathir who live so far from this event. Maybe Persian Army numbered 30.000-83.000 warriors, or maximal 100.000 warriors.

Battle broke at Qadisiyya, Iraq, for several days. Persian Army bring many elephants until make Muslims Army forced. But, Muslims Warriors can  crippling their elephants.

According Saif Ibn Umar, one of Muslim Historian at 8 TH Century, at  Monday, Muslims Army defeat Persian Army. Rustam killed and 30.000 Persian Army die.  At 14 H, Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab send Utba Ibn Ghazwan to conquer City Of Bashra , one of Persian Military Basic. Utba can conquer Bashrah, and at 15 H, Muslims Army moved to Ctesiphon ( at Arabic Sources Madain), Capital Of Persian Empire. Along way to Ctesiphon, Muslims Army defeat Persian Army at several small battles. King Of Persia, Yazdagard II escaped from Madain with his army.  Saad also conquer City Of Bahurasir, one of Persian City near River Of Tigris, at 16 H. Muslims Army across River Of Tigris and defeat Persian Cavalry  Batallion that keep this river.

Saad Ibn Abi Waqqash can entered King Yazdagard II s palace and beetwen  spoils are Yazdagard II s crown. Several spoils send to Caliph Umar at Medina, Rasidhun Caliphate Centers. After Conquest Of Ctesiphon, Muslims Army can occupied Iraq , and conquer Iraq s several city, beetwen him Hulwan, Takrit, and Mosul.

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