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How Muslims Codificate Koran?

Source: Dream CoId.

Today, we will discuss how Muslims from era of Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  to Umayyad Caliphate Era, codificated Koran, Islamic Holy Book, and how history of Koran Codification from age to age. And, it is one critical point at Early Islamic History.  Lets read this article until end, because we will discuss about one step at Islamic History that so important for Muslim s holy book, Koran and at this article, we will know how Koran codificated to the shape of the book, such as shape of Koran today, and dont forget, subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Koran, revelated by Allah Subhanahuwataala to Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam at 7 TH Century  and first revelation revelated at 8 Rabiul Awwal ( one month from Hijri Calender).  Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam ( life at 570-632 AD) get revelation from Allah  and he get first revelation from Quran at Cave Of Hira, North Of City Of Mecca, Saudi Arabia.  It is QS.Al-Alaq verses 1-5 and after this, Allah Subhanahuwataala revelated to Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam QS.Al-Mudathir: verses 1-2 that contained command to preach Islam at Pagan Quraish at Mecca.  And, Quranic Surah that for first time revelated by complete surah is QS.Al-Fatihah verses 1-7, according argument from Shaykh Muhammad Abduh.

Koran revelated to Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam with 3 steps:
1.First step is revelation verses about education to Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s education self from Allah Subhanahuwataala and also Islamic Theology and basic of Islamic Ethics. The example from verses that revelated at this period is QS.As-Shuara: verses 214-216 and QS.Al-Mudathir: hal.1-7.

2. Second step, when Muslims disturbed by Pagan Quraish at Mecca and verses that revelated at this period, many foccuss at Islamic obligation ,  Allah s oneness and also illustration about apocalypse day. The example from verses that revelated at this period is  QS.An-Nahl: verses 125 and QS.Yasin:  verses 78-82.

3.Third step, when Muslims under Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s leadership can established Islamic State at Medina, Saudi Arabia and Quranic Verses that revelated at this period , speak about Islamic Law, included how faced Non Muslims, hypocrite and other.

Koran Codification to one book, started at era of Caliph Abu Bakr ( ruled 632-634 AD),  First Caliph From Rashidun Caliphate, when replaced Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam. At 12 Hijriyya, happened Battle Of Yamama againt Rebels who rebel to Rashidun Caliphate. At this battle, many Koran Memorizer die as martyr and Shahaba Umar Ibn Khattab Radhiyallahu anhu ask Caliph Abu Bakr to codificated Koran to one book.  Caliph Abu Bakr ask Shahaba  Zayd Ibn Thabit to codificated Koran and at his age, Koran can codificated  in a book and saved by Caliph Abu Bakr and after Caliph Abu Bakr s die, this book saved by Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab, and before die, Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab ask his daughter, Hafsha Binti Umar, one Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s widow.

At Era Of Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan s Goverment ( 656-667 AD)when Islamic Territories was achieved Syria and Iraq, Syrian and Iraqis different at Quran s recitation because they has different dialect and different Koran teacher. Caliph Uthman ask  several shahabas such as Zayd Ibn Thabit, Said Ibn Ash, Abdullah Ibn Zubayr, and Abdurrahman Ibn Harith Ibn Hisham to codificated Koran at Arabian Quraish dialect, because Koran revelated by Quraish dialect. Caliph Uthman also send several Koran s copy according Quraish s dialect  to several Muslim s cities such as Kufa, Bashra, and Damascus and also Territories Of Yemen and Bahrain . This copy named by Rasm Uthmani , follow Uthman Ibn Affan s names because codificated by Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan and it is  Koran that now we use.


Zuhdi, Prof.DR.H.Achmad, dkk: Studi Al-Quran, UINSA  ( UIN Sunan Ampel) Press, Surabaya  2015 M.

Hodgson, Marshall: The Venture Of Islam: Iman dan Sejarah dalam Peradaban Dunia, Buku Pertama: Lahirnya Sebuah Tatanan Baru, Penerbit Paramadina Jakarta, 2002 M.

Bina, Ahda: RASM UTSMANI: Pengertian, Contoh & Kaidah (ahdabina.com), accesed 8 October 2024, 11: 14 PM.


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