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The Origin Of Khawariji: History Of Islamic Radical Sect At Early Islamic History.


Sumber: acamstoday.

Today, i will discuss about Khawariji, Islamic Radical Sect at Early Islamic History, that appear at era of Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Thalib. This radical sect, was shake Islamic World at Early Islamic History. How this group exist? Read this article until end because we will discuss about one Islamic Radical Sect, before Assasin, that shake Islamic World at Early Islamic History.

Rise Of Khawariji, according Islamic Historian Imam At-Thabari, born at 37 H.  When broke Battle Of Shiffin beetwen Caliph Ali Ibn Abi Thalib and Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan, happened peace covenant and at Ali s army, several warriors dont accept this covenant and they out from Ali s army. Beetwen they,Hurqus Ibn Zuhayr and Zarah Ibn Buruj.  They rebel from Ali s goverment and consider Ali Ibn Abi Thalib is infidel. They rebel to Caliph Ali and can occupied City Of Madain at Iraq. Ali Ibn Abi Thalib tried to kill several negosiators such as Abu Musa Al-Ashari for back them to obey his goverment.  But they dont obey it.

At 659 AD, broke battle beetwen Rasidhun Caliphate Force under Caliph Ali Ibn Thalib and Group Of Khawariji under Abdullah Ibn Wahb Ar-Rasibi, Group Of Khawariji defeated and Abdullah Ibn Wahb killed at battle.  Khawariji has extreme ideology, they kill  fellow Muslims , who dont entered their group. Khawariji split into several sect, beetwen them Al-Muhakkimah Al-Ula , the extremist sect from them that doing slaughtered to Muslim out of their group because consider Muslim out of their group are infidel . And, Group Of Al Azariqah that mentioned Muslims  out of their group are Pagan and they also erase Quranic Law that command adulterer punished by Rajam ( throwed with rocks until die) and An-Najdat that permit liquor to Muslims. An-Najdat have influence at Oman, Bahrain, and several part from Yemen.  And, also Sect Of Shafarid that have influence at North Africa.

At Era Of Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan Of Umayyad Dynasty, Khawariji can entered Umayyad Civil War and found two state. Group Of Al-Azariqah  found state at State Of Ahvaz, Iran and Group Of An-Najdat found state at Yamamah, Yemen, until City Of Taif at Saudi Arabia.

Beetwen 72-73 H, Caliph Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan united State Of Umayyad Dynasty and erased his rivals, such as Al-Mukhtar Ibn Abi Ubaid and Abdullah Ibn Zubayr. Abdul Malik also can destroy Power Of Khawariji with send army that command by Al-Muhallab Ibn Abi Shufrah. For Biography of Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan, you can refer this article:

Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan: Arcithect From Umayyad s Golden Age - ACITYA HISTORY

And, at 2 ND Milenium Of Hijriyya, Khawariji From Shafarid Sect can control North Afica until battle againt Ubaidillah Bin Al-Hajjab , African Governor and beetwen Khawariji Commander at North Africa is Thariq Ibn Shubaih Al-Bhargawasi.

From this history, we can take lesson, we must alert to radical ideology s preach , at social media, at our enviroment, or other because radical ideology is our enemy. Be a peaceful Muslim. Because , Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam was teach real peace.


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