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Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi: France Conqueror From Umayyad Dynasty.

Source: Hijaz News.

Today, we will discuss about Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi, who is Umayyad General who tried to conquer France. And, this is important conquest at this age. And, he is one important general from Umayyad Dynasty  who studied to Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab. Read this article until end, becuse we will discuss about one greatest conquest at Umayyad Dynasty Era. And, subscribe my blog for get more information about Islamic History.

He is one student from Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab and he became assistant from As-Samh Ibn Malik,  Umayyad Governor at Andalusia ( Spain and Portugal).  He became guardian at Umayyad Boundaries at Andalusia.

At 720 AD, As-Samh Ibn Malik Al-Khaulani launch raids to Septimania, former territories from Kingdom Of Goth  at France. At 720 AD also As-Samh occupied Septimania and Narbonne at France.  And, As-Samh at 721 AD/102 H,  Muslims Army under As-Samh Ibn Malik besieged City Of Toulouse, Capital From Duchy Of Aquitane,  Duke Of Aquitane collect his army from several territories at Europe and attack As-Samh s army and battle broke at Territories Of Rhone. As-Samh died at this battle and Abdurrahman, who join  this battle as warrior, bring Muslim Army retreat from battle.  After this battle, Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi  prepare next expedition for conquer France, Italy, and German until they can conquer Constantinople.

 After As-Samh s Goverment, Andalusia ruled by Anbasah Ibn Sahim Al-Kalbi at 103 H  and he can conquer several city at France, such as Lyon and Vini. Anbasah die at battle againt Kingdom Of Frankish at  Suburbs At France  and he replaced by Adzrah Al-Fihri  who next conquest until Territories Of Rhone.  Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi replaced Adzrah Al-Fihri Umayyad Governor At Andalusia,  he repair Goverment at Andalusia and ruled justiceful. And he also strengthed   defense at Andalusia.  He build bridge at River Of Cordova and build nine fortress near this bridge.  Abdurrahman also build strong army for invaded France at next time.

At 114 H, Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi move with strong army to France Territories and he can occupied City Of Arles.  And, Muslims Army under Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi  can occupied Territories from Duchy Of Aquitane. Muslims Army can occupied Bordeaux, Sens, and other city at France.

Robert Southey ( 1774-1843 AD), an British Poem illustrated Muslims Army  that conquer France consist of many nations such as Berber, Romans, Arabians, Persian, Coptics, and Tatar. Arabian Army consist from Arabian Tribes at Syria, Hijaz, Nejd, and Yemen.

At 733 AD, Muslims Army faced Frankish Army under King Of Frankish, Charles Martel.  Frankish Army, consist from coalition from European State and at this battle ,Muslims Army defeated because when Frankish Army entered camp that used by Muslims Army for save their assets, Muslims Army  leave the line and line mess , until Frankish Army defeated Muslims Army. Abdurrahman Al-Ghafiqi died at this battle. Muslims Army leave France after this defeat.

This battle, is end boundaries Umayyad Expansion at Europe. Though after this, Umayyad Caliphate still do several expansion to France, but Umayyad Territories not  extend significantly after this event.


Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Basya, DR,Abdurrahman Rafat:Para Tabiin Rahimahullah: Kisah Perjuangan dan Keteladanan, Penerbit Darul Haq, 2016 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.



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