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Story Of Abu Ubaidah Ibn Jarrah: Conqueror Of Syria.


Source: Kaffah Studio.

Today, we will discuss about one shahaba, who popular as Conqueror Of Syria. He is Abu Ubaidah Ibn Jarrah.  According hadith from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Abu Ubaidah is most credible people at Islamic Society.  Today, we will discuss biography from this shahaba, the Conqueror Of Syria and Rashidun Caliphate Governor at Syria. Subscribe my blog and share this article if you feel it is give you benefit.

Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah, is one younger from Tribes Of Quraish at Mecca. And, when age of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  preach at Mecca, Abu Ubaidah is one Meccan Younger who accept Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  preach. Abu Ubaidah suffered several tortured  that doing by Tribe Of Quraish to their people who convert to Islam.

When age of confrontation beetwen Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and Quraish Pagan,Abu Ubaidah join at Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s battle, included Battle Of Badr and Uhud. He protect Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam at Battle Of Uhud.  When Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  almost die because raid from Quraish Army, Abu Ubaidah  and his friend protect Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam from Quraish Army raider. He protect Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam until his two teeths destroyed.

At era Of Rashidun Caliphate, when Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq ruled as first caliph ( ruled 632-634 AD). Abu Ubaidah became  advisor for Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq.

At 633 AD, Abu Bakr As-Shiddiq plan expedition to Syria that ruled by Byzantine Empire. And this army command by Commander Abu Ubaydah Ibn Jarrah. This factor is Byzantine Empire send army to attack Territories Of Arabia Peninsula that under Rashidun Caliphate, use  oppurtunity riot at Arabia Peninsula after civil war at era Abu Bakr As-Shidiq s goverment.

Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq command Abu Ubaidah to lead army for conquest City Of Homsh, Syria.   Abu Ubaidah, became Muslim Commander at Conquest Of Damascus from Byzantine Empire.  He and other Muslim Commander, Khalid Ibn Walid can conquer Damascus under defeat Byzantine Army and they make covenant with Residents Of Damascus  that  this content is Damascene get freedom for run teaching of Christian ( at this time, Damascus was Christian Territories) and their houses secure from Muslim s raids.Abu Ubaidah also join Battle Of Yarmouk againt Byzantine Army. At this battle, Muslims Army under Khalid Ibn Al-Walid bring 40.000 army and Byzantine Army numbered 240.000 army, according Historian Ibn Kathir.  This battle broke at 636 AD, this battle broke after Muslim Warrior conquer City Of Bushra, Fihl, and Damascus from Byzantine Empire. At Battle Of Yarmouk, Byzantine Army under Theodore destroyed.

City Of Homsh at Syria,that this resident are Christian and Jews submit to Muslim Army and they join with Muslims Army to defend Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius, because they are victims from Byzantine Empire s  oppresion. After Conquest Of Homsh, Abu Ubaidah conquer City Of Antioch, at this time, Rashidun Caliphate lead by Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab, because Caliph Abu Bakar As-Shidiq was die.

At 17 H, Abu Ubaidah became representation from Rashidun Caliphate  for peace covenant beetwen Rashidun Caliphate and Residents Of Jerusalem. At this event, Jerusalem can conquest by Muslim Army from Byzantine Empire.  Abu Ubaidah became Governor Of Syria under Rashidun Caliphate. He die at 18 H because plague at Syria and Palestine at era Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab. For this plague, you can read this article:

Umar Ibn Khattab S Strategy To Handle Pandemic. - ACITYA HISTORY

Ok, it is my article today, please subscribe my blog for support this blog to educated Muslim about Islamic History.

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