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Osman II: Ousted Ottoman Sultan.


Source: Pinterest.

Today, we will discuss about Ottoman Sultan who ousted by his army. He is Osman II, who ruled from 1618-1662 AD. He is one weakest Ottoman Sultan, who ended with rebellion from his army.  And, it is uniques story at Ottoman History.  His age is retrogression age for Ottoman Empire, because his incompetent. Please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for many information about Islamic History.

Ottoman Sultan, Ahmed I, die at 1617 AD. He die without leave adult prince for his successor. And, he replaced by  his son, Osman II ( Gench Osman). Osman II replaced Sultan Ahmed I at 1618 AD,  Osman II at this time, still young and incompetent.  And, he is inexperienced. Osman II ruled under instruction for his mother.

At  his goverment age, Cossacks Nation at Poland attack territories at Boshporus, one important territories of Ottoman Empire. Sultan Osman II rejected delegation from King Of Poland and at 1621 AD,  and Osman II lead his army to attack Kingdom Of Poland.

At 1621 AD, Ottoman Vassal, Khanate Of Crimea attack Polands and make Poland s residents fear.  And, at 5 October 1621 AD, Poland and Ottoman make peace covenant.  But, Kingdom Of Poland threat Ottoman Empire. Osman II command King Of Crimea, Jarubek Giray to attack Poland. But, Osman II want to hajj to Mecca. Situation at Ottoman Capital, Istanbul, is riot and Kingdom Of Poland threat Ottoman Empire. Shaykh Asad Efendi, Osman II s father in law, forbid Sultan Osman II to hajj and command Sultan Osman II to manage his state. Ottoman Elite Army, Janissary and Sipahi disagree Sultan Osman II s  decision. They demonstrate to ask Sultan Osman II punished.

At Osman II s era, also happened rebellion that doing by Fakhr addin  Al-Mani II  Chief from Tribes Of Ma’n at Lebanon, subordinate of Ottoman Empire.  Fakhr addin Al-Mani, is  Lebanese leader who conspirated with Ferdinand Of Medici, Duke Of Tuscany at Italy for resistanced Ottoman Empire. Ottoman Army moved to Lybanon and Fakhr addin escaped to Florence, Capital Of Tuscany. And, at 1618 AD, he return to Lebanon and make indepedent goverment.  Janissary army doing rebellion and they entered Ottoman Empire Palace and coronated Prince Mustafa. Osman II escaped and ask protection from  Janissary Army. But, Ottoman Prime Minister, Davud Pasha ask Janissary to kill Osman II. Janisarry kill Osman II with strangled him. Osman II die at 1622 AD.

Osman II die because he has egoism. He want doing his dream to hajj, when his state riot. And, his end of life is kil by his subordinate, Janissary, Ottoman Elite Army. After his die, Iran Army can captured Bagdad, Capital Of Iraq, from Ottoman Empire, with help of Ottoman Rebel, Bekir Subashi.  From this story, we can learn, egoism not bring benefit, but  harm ourself at future. Because this, we must care to other people s business and not only think for our business.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Hitti, Philip.K.: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

Ottoman Empire | Facts, History, & Map | Britannica, accesed 21 September 2024, 09: 50 PM.


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