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Ottoman Empire And Empire Of Russia: Who Legitimate Successor From Byzantine Empire?


Source: Decoding Data.

Today, we will discuss about relation beetwen Byzantine Empire and Kingdom Of Russia s relation and also , this relation with Ottoman-Russia Confrontation. And, we will discuss, is Kingdom Of Russia successor from Byzantine Empire? And how Kingdom Of Russia claimed as New Byzantine Empire? Ok, lets discuss it,but before discuss more, please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History and share this article if you feel this article give you benefit.

At 29 May 1453 AD, Byzantine Empire collapsed because Constantinople fall to hand of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih/Mehmed II from Ottoman Empire.  At 1461 AD, Remnant Of Byzantine Empire at Anatolia, Trabzon Empire conquer by Mehmed II. Emperor Of Trabzon, David Comnenos, submit to Mehmet II. Ivan III, Grand Duke Of Moscow at Russia claim his capital as New Constantinople / Third Rome and Center Of Orthodox Christian, religion that became official religion at Byzantine Empire. His grandson, Ivan IV  the Terrible, claim himself as Roman Emperor ( at Russia, the title is Tsar). Ivan IV is descedant from Byzantine Royal Family.  At this age, Ivan s political rival, Sultan Suleyman Al-Qanuni Of Ottoman claim title Kaiser I-Rum ( Turkish :  Roman Emperor). Ottoman Empire occupied Constantinople and claim himself as successor from Byzantine Empire. At 1552 AD, Ivan The Terrible invaded City Of Kazan and Turkish Tribes from Kazan ask helped from Ottoman Empire under Sultan Selim II, son of Sultan Suleyman Al-Qanuni.  Ottoman Empire used his vassal, Mongols Khanate Of Crimea for attack Territories Of Russia with Mongols Cavalry.  At Era Sultan Mehmed IV ( 1648-1687 AD),  broke confrontation beetwen Ottoman Empire and Empire Of Russia.  At 1659 AD, Ottoman Army and Russian Army face to face at Battle Of Konotoppada. Ottoman Army with help from Cossack Army destroy 350.000 Russian Army. At 1792 AD, Empire Of Russia under Emperess Catherine II occupied Ottoman Vassal, Khante Of Crimea. At 1787 AD, Russian Army captured Fortress Of Ozi from Ottoman Empire and slaughtered civilian around fortress.

Before Russia Victory, Russia ever tried captured Crimea at Goverment Of Tsar Peter The Great. They build several castle at Gate Of Crimea. At 1711 AD, Ottoman Army and Crimean Cavalry besieged position from Tsar Peter and his army at River Of Prut, it is forced Tsar Peter The Great submit to Ottoman Army and Ottoman Empire ask Tsar Peter to pay tax to Khanate Of Crimea. But, at 1792 AD, Empire Of Russia can captured Crimea from Ottoman Empire by collaboration with last Khan Of Crimea, Shahin Giray.

Now, we will see, Ottoman Empire and Empire Of Russia blood relation with Byzantine Empire.  Ivan III, Grand Duke Of Moskow married  Sophia Palaiologina , niece from Last Byzantine Emperor, Constantine XI Palaiologos ( ruled 1448-1453 AD) and Orhan Gazi, Second Sultan Of Ottoman Empire ( ruled 1324-1360 AD) married with daughter from Byzantine Emperor, John  VI Cantacuzenos, named Theodora. If seeing blood relation, Ottoman Empire more near to Byzantine Empire because Orhan I married daughter from Byzantine Emperor and Ivan III only married with Byzantine Emperor s niece.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya,  Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Lamb, Harold: Sulaiman Al-Qanuni: Kehidupan Politik dan Pribasi Sultan Agung Turki Utsmani, Penerbit Alvabet, 2022 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Ivan III of Russia - World History Encyclopedia, accesed 5 September 2024, 07: 54 PM.

Orhan | Reign, Expansion, Legacy | Britannica, accesed 5 September 2024, 07: 57 PM.

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