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Story Of Abu Hanifa An-Numan/Imam Hanafi: Scholar Who Have Social Soul


Source: Kompas.Com.

Today, i will tell story about one Islamic Important Imam. He is Abu Hanifa An-Numan, or populari with title Imam Hanafi. He popular as founder from Madzhab Hanafi and popular as Islamic Fiqh Expert at his age. At this article, we will discuss history from Imam Hanafi. How he became Islamic Leader at Fiqh and how he preach at society at this time?  And, he also popular with his social soul .Please read this article until end because we will discuss one important figure at Islamic History, important figure at Islamic Fiqh.

Abu Hanifa or Imam Hanafi has original name Numan Ibn Thabit. He born at 699 AD, at Umayyad Dynasty Era  until begin Of Abbasid Dynasty Era. Abu Hanifa is handsome man and he always use good clothes and  perfume. And, Abu Hanifa originated from Persian Ethnic. He is expert at Fiqh and popular at Iraq. Though Abu Hanifa is scholar at Iraq, he choose work as silk and clothes trader.

Imam Hanafi, given rich by Allah Subhanahuwataala. And, he use his assets to help scholars and students. If Imam Hanafi build new clothes, he also buy new clothes for poormen and he also love to give food to poormen. Imam Hanafi also has social soul. If he held  studies that followed by several people and there a men sit at his studies without  need, Imam Abu Hanifa will ask him about his need, If this people has budget, he will help this people and if this people sick, Abu Hanifa will visit him . At his business, Abu Hanifa helped by his bestfriend, Hafsh Ibn Abdurrahman. Abu Hanifa ask to Hafsh to tell consuments about several product that sell have disability. Hafsh sell Abu Hanifa s product and he forget to  tell consument about disability from Abu Hanifa s product.  After hear this, Abu Hanifa doesnt calm until he  giving alms as big price product that sell by Hafsh.

Abu Hanifa, also popular with his clever , that he use for  straighten  fake claims that said by several people. One day, Abu Hanifa hear claim from one Kufah Residents that Uthman Ibn Affan, Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  s son in law is A Jewish and  he never became Muslim. Abu Hanifah use clever strategy for preach to this people, he came to this people s house and said he will  apply his daughter from his friend. Abu Hanifa said his friend is good, rich, memorized Allah s books, and diligent at worship but he is Jewish. This people said he cannot married his daughter with Non Muslim. Abu Hanifa said: “ You reject to married your daughter with Jewish and you say Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam married his daughter to Jewish? This people confess his mistake and he  repent at front of Imam Abu Hanifa.

Abu Hanifa also use his clever to preach to Atheist Peoples.  And, Imam Abu Hanifa also has strong establishment, he doesnt want became state s officer. One day, Abbasid Caliph, Al-Manshour, want make Imam Abu Hanifa as state judge, but Abu Hanifa reject it. Caliph Al-Manshour  imprisoning Imam Abu Hanifa in the jail until his die.  Abu Hanifa s story became inspiration for us for help  fellow and became useful people at our enviroment.


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