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Kingdom Of Khazar: It Is Ancestor From Yemen Imigrants At Indonesia?.


Source:  The Forward.

Several time ago, i read an article about Yemen Imigrant at Indonesia, at this article  Ba alawy that now considered as Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s descedant, really is descedant from Kingdom Of Khazar  at East Europe, a Jewish Kingdom hat conquered by Mongols Empire and according this article, this population migrated to Yemen and after this to Indonesia. At this article, we will search Kingdom Of Khazar s history according primary sources. It is true this narration? Ok, lets we search.

According this article, Ba alawy clan originated from Khazar because they have same DNA-Haplogroup,  Haplogroup Y and at this article, Historian KH.Faqih Wirahadningrat , decide Ba alawy as descedant from Clan Of Khazar. But, how with historical data? Is exist data after Khazar s s ruin, many Khazar Tribes escaped to Yemen. Lets search it. At this article, we will discuss it according historical sources about Kingdom Of Khazar.

Hasdai Ibn Shaprut, an Jewish Doctor at Umayyad Palace, send letter to King Of Khazar at Black Sea, tell this king about Umayyad Caliphate at Territories Of Spain. He tell the beautiful of Spain under Umayyad Caliphate.  Judah Halevi,  an Middle Age Jewish Poet, also write the book titled The Book Of Khazars. Judah Halevi, life at 12 TH Century. At his biography, Halevi never go to Kingdom Of Khazar, he busy at travel from Spain to Palestine. But maybe, Halevi hear new about Kingdom Of Khazar from sailors, traders, and other.  At The Book Of Khazar, Halevi use Hasdai s letters at refrence. According Halevi, Kingdom Of Khazar convert to Judaism at 10 TH Century.

Abbasid Dynasty at 984 AD, can captured Volga and can  weaken Kingdom Of Khazar.  Kingdom Of Khazar,can also searched from Arabic Sources  such as Al-Istakhri, an 10 TH Century Arab Geographer who tell about Kingdom Of Khazar  have highest leader that titled by Khagan. Ibnu Rusteh,  an Persian Traveller considered Khazar originated from Tribes Of Turkey.  At 10 TH Century, Kingdom Of Khazar weakened because raids that doing by Vikings or Kiev Rus Nations. And, at 13 TH Century, Kingdom Of Khazar destroyed because Mongols Invasion.  According Historian Arthur Koesler, Khazarians migrated to Europe, Koesler find several remnant from Khazar s settlemets at Crimea, Polandia, Ukraina, Hungaria and Lithuania. But Koesler doesnt find Khazar s settlement at Yemen.

According this proof, cannot  ensured Ba lawy is descedant from Khazar.  And, Haplogoup Y , not only having by Khazarians, But Haplogroup Y , also having by severl nations at Middle East, West Europe,  Africa and other. Not exist strong proof that Ba alawy originated from Khazar Nations. And, not one notes record that Khazarians migrated to Yemen and have descedant named Family Of Ba alawy. If according Haplogroup s  similarities only, this claim is not strong.

Menocal, Maria Rosa:  Sepotong Surga di Andalusia: Kisah Peradaban Muslim, Yahudi Kristen Spanyol Pertengahan (750-1492 M), Mizan Media Utama, 2006 M.

 Halim, Harliana, dkk: Analisis Kebangkitan Volga Bulgaria 922 M,  International Islamic Heritage Conference 2015 M.\

Türker, Ö., & Dağ, İ. (2023). Hierarchical Duality in the Khazars: Historical Origins of the Dual Kingship System. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, (59), 44-58.

Kematian Misterius Pendukung Teori Yahudi Kini adalah Palsu | Republika Online, accesed 2 September 2024, 11: 43 PM.

Kaum Ba Alwi Yaman; Noda Dari Kemerdekaan – RMI PWNU Banten (rminubanten.or.id), accesed 2 September 2024, 11: 44 PM.

World map of Y-DNA Haplogroups - Vivid Maps, accesed 2 September 2024, 11: 44 WIB.

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