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Where Mosque Al-Aqsa At The Koran? Historical Explained.

Source: Pinterest.

Today, i will discuss about where Mosque Al-Aqsa at Koran? When Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam go to Mosque Al-Aqsa at Isra Miraj.  Isnt, if we open Islamic Historical Notes, Mosque Al Aqsa started builded after Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab conquer Jerusalem from Byzantine at 7 TH Century? At this article, we will answer this. When Mosque Al Aqsa at the Koran? Lets discuss it and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

In Arabic Language, meaning of Mosque Al-Aqsa is  farthest  prostation place. So, meaning Mosque Al-Aqsa ( Masjidil Aqsha) that mentioned at Koran: Al-Isra: 1 is farthest prostation place.  According Islamic Tradition, at Isra Miraj, Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasalam went from Mosque  Haram at Mecca  to Mosque Al-Aqsa at Jerusalem, Palestine. According Web Distance Calculator, distance from Mecca to Jerusalem is 769 Miles and need time fastest for 12 hours 15 minutes. And, at this era, not exist car, motorcycle, airplane, or other modern transportation. And maybe, time that needed for walk from Mecca to Jerusalem more long.

And, now, we will identificated what Koran meaning by Mosque Al-Aqsa? Mosque Al- Aqsa, at old time, have other name, Baitul Maqdis ( Hebrew: Bait Hamikdash) and this place is worship place for Israeli that builded by two king from Kingdom Of Israel, Propeth Daud and Propeth Sulaiman Alaihissalam. Propeth Daud Alaihissalam renovated important part at Baitul Maqdis,  Dome Of The Rock.

Propeth Sulaiman Alaihissalam build Baitul Maqdis with mirror, gold, and make slaughter place  for sacrifice. And,one time, King Of Kasdim, Nebuchadnedzar  at 605 BC, annexed Palestine, basic from Kingdom Of Israel. Nebuchadnedzar destroy Baitul Maqdis and he also burn book Of Torah ( Holy Book that Allah revealed to Israeli at time of Propeth Musa Alaihissalam). When Kingdom Of Persian defeat Kasdim, Israeli under Propeth Uzair Alaihissalam rebuild Baitul Maqdis.  When Kingdom Of Israel back ruled Palestine under Dynasty Of Hashmanaya/ Hasmonean, one of their king, Herodus renovated Baitul Maqdis until beautiful as at Propeth Sulaiman Alaihissalam era. Until Roman Empire occupied Jerusalem, they cover Dome Of The Rock with rubish and destroy other structure from Baitul Maqdis.

How Mosque Al-Aqsa that builded after Jerusalem capture by Islamic Goverment at 7 TH Century? At 16 H, when Caliph Umar Ibn Khattab conquer Jerusalem, he build mosque behind Dome Of The Rock after clean Dome Of The Rock from rubish. Caliph Of Umayyad Dynasty, Caliph Abdul Malik at 691 AD, also build new mosque at Dome Of The Rock, that mentioned by Mosque Of Umar. Mosque Of Umar, often also mentioned by Dome Of The Rock. And, Mosque Of Umar builded by several craftsman from Byzantium under command of Caliph Abdul Malik.

According Historian Philip.K.Hitti,  Term Of Mosque Al Aqsa is term for holy building complect, included Dome Of The Rock, several tomb,  spring, and other building at this complect. This mosque, that builded relay by Caliph Umar and Caliph Abdul Malik, called by Mosque Of Umar/ Dome Of The Rock. So, Mosque Al Aqsa not name for one buildings, but name for one complect. Maybe at era of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihiwasallam, this complect is  open land with remnant of Dome Of The Rock.

Ok, it is my article today. And, support us with subscribe, comment, and share our article for flow this website.


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Distance from Mecca to Jerusalem (distancecalculator.net), accesed 18 August 2-24, 09: 46 PM.



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