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Ibn Taimiyya Put Basic Of Wahabism? It Is Explained.


Source: Bincang Syariah.

Today, we will discuss about one Islamic Scholar, Ibn Taimiyya who  associated to  Wahabism ( mentioned also with Salafism) ideology, an Islamic Ideology that tryng hardly imitate Rasulullah ShallahuAlaihi Wasallam and his shahaba. At this article, we will discuss about Ibn Taimiyya s role. Is he put basic Of  Wahabism/ Salafism? When Wahabism popular as name of the group? Please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Ibn Taimiyya, is one popular scholar at Islamic Middle Age. He born at 661 H. His original name is Ahmad Ibn Taimiyya. Ibn Taimiyya s family originated from Harran , now  region at Modern Turkey. Ibn Taimiyya s family escaped from Mongols Invasion under Hulagu Khan and they stay at Damascus. At Damascus, Ibn Taimiyya studied Islam.  He became Islamic Judge at young age. At Damascus, he spread his mind. Muslim, at this age, weak because Mongols Invasion and Crusade. Mongols Invasion destroy Islamic World. And, many Islamic Fortress at Palestine, such as Acre, Hayfa, and Caesarea. It is hard time for Muslims. At this time, Ibn Taimiyya make an act. Ibn Taimiyya teach Muslim must back to life method that teach by Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his shahaba. According Ibn Taimiyya, Muslim weakened because they far from Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s teaching.Ibn Taimiyya also  prioritzing Jihad. He teach: Jihad not only for againt Non-Muslim that attack Islamic Comunity, but Jihad also againt Muslims who not obey Islamic Teaching. He also command Muslim to back into Al-Quran and Hadith, two canonic sources from Islamic Religion.

When Damascus attacked by Mongols Army at 669 H, Ibn Taimiyya round City Of Damascus and give lecture to Damasceness for be patient and defend Mongols Army. When Damascenes fight againt Mongols Army, he and his friend round to liquor cave and broke liquor s glass.  At 702 H,Mameluke and Mongols Army face to face at Battle Of Syaqhab. Ibn Taimiyya fight at Mameluke s army. When at this era, Mongols was became Muslims. Ibn Taimiyya fight againt Mongols and at this battle, Mameluke  Achieve victory and one year againt, Mongol Emperor at Persia that designed this raids. According Ibn Taimiya, Mongols can fought because they are not-really Muslims.

How with Wahhabism?

Generally, Wahabism trusted founded by  Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhab who burn at 1703 AD at Najd, Saudi Arabia and he also preach  for  persuated Arabian for back to Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his shaba s teaching. Name Of Wahhabism, also not became official name that given by Shaykh Muhammad to his teaching.  Name Of Wahhabism, according Palestinian Historian Shaykh Jihad at-Turbani, giving by Shia Muslims. Teaching that preached by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahab and Ibn Taimiyya similar. They teach to back into Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam and his shahaba s teaching. And, they life at same condition. Ibn Taimiyya life when Mongols and Crusader threat Islam s existension. And Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhab life at era of Imperialism. When western states captured Islamic Territories. Ibn Taimiyya can said ‘put basic’ that used by Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhab s preach.

For biography of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdil Wahhab, read at this article:
How Wahhabism Appear At History? - ACITYA HISTORY

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At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

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Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

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