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Recommendation Book For Studied Basic Of History: Mukaddimah Ibnu Khaldun.

Source: Toko Buku Tafaqquh.

Title: Mukaddimah Ibnu Khaldun : Sebuah Karya Mega Fenomenal dari Sejarawan Muslim Abad Pertengahan.

Writter: Ibn Khaldun.

Publisher: Pustaka Al-Kautsar.

Years: 2023 AD.

Pages:1120 pages.

Language: Indonesia.

Age: adult.

This book is recommended book for who want studied History from his roots. And, this book also one from my college book at my campus. This book is so thick, 1120 pages, and this book discuss about basics from History, Stated from definition and virtue from studied history, historiography from age to age and basic of civilization.

This book discuss detailed about history and civilization s basics: how nomad and settlers make civilization at the world. How knowledge flow at human civilization. How human know about arcitechture, how human know about medicine and how historiography written from age to age. The point, at this book, we invited to dive to basic of history and civilization. And, this book recommended to student, researcher, lecturer, or everyone who want explore history.

This book also discuss  characteristic  from several nations at Middle East: Hebrew, Arabian, Persian, and Nomad People. And also discuss about Islamic History s civilization flow. And, how knowledge at civilization flow from simple to complicated. And, this book also discuss about world geography and nations at the world at the age of writter.  And, also, war strategy at ancient and middle ages. Reading this book, like discover ancient and middle age with time machine.

But, unfortunately, this book is so thick and not contained picture for explained discussion at the book. This book maybe not match for beginner  who not love book without picture. And, the tick from this book achieve 1120 pages. It is maybe boring for people who dont like thick book.

This conclusion, this book is so recommended by people who want dive into history to this roots and dig origin of civilization. This book help people understanding history from his roots. If you was read this book, Insha Allah, you dont have difficult understanding other historical books. Written by 14 TH Century big historian, Ibn Khaldun, this book have  unique value.

You can buy this book at this link:
Jual Mukaddimah (Hardcover) - Ibnu Khaldun - Kab. Sleman - Social Agency Baru | Tokopedia


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