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Ghazi: Origin Of Ottoman Empire.

Source: Pinterest.

Ottoman Empire , is one biggest Islamic Empire at the world. But, are you know? This empire begin by wild army. Named Ghazi, Ghazi are wild army that became origin of Ottoman Empire. And, this army also one from strongest army at this age. Ok, lets discuss it and please read this article until end for get complete information. Ok, lets start it and support us with subscribe our blog for get more information about Islamic History.

Anatolia, at 14 TH Century,  became not-lord territories. Byzantie and Turkish Tribes struggle for this territories. When era of Seljuq  Empire s golden age, an Seljuq Prince, Sulayman Shah ruled Anatolia wisely and he can found strong goverment at this place, named Sultanate Of Seljuq-Rum. At 1080 AD, Sulayman expand Byzantine Territories and make City Of Nicea/Iznik as his capital. After die of Sulayman Shah, Turkish Generals  split and  Seljuq-Rum weakened because splint beetwen their general and raids from Crusader. At 1242 AD,  part from Seljuq Rum s territories fall into Mongols Empire. At 1243 AD, Seljuq Rum defeated by Mongols Army at Battle Of Kosedag and they became Mongols s vassal. Many Turkish Emirate appear at Anatolia. Such as Emirate Of Karaman, Konya, and Germiyan. And also Ottoman Emirate. This emirate, ruled by military groups named Ghazi. According Historian Tamim Ansary, Ghazi is knights unit that found by several Sufism s group. Many group of Ghazi appear at Anatolia and their commander claimed one territories as their states.

Ghazi, is one armed group that found emirate for defend Byzantine Empire and expand their territories to Byzantine s territories. According Historian Tamim Ansary, Ghazi became feodals nobleman and until this period, Ghazi still became nomad s goverment. One of popular Ghazi is Erthugrul Ghazi who served Seljuq Rum Sultan at 1279 AD. Sultan Seljuq Rum give him City Of Sogut and Domanic as his territories. And, Erthugrul replaced by his son, Osman Gazi ( 1289-1324 AD). Ghazi, as Turkish Warriors, play important role at era of Osman Gazi. At Osman Gazi s s era, Ghazi, as army dominated by Turkmen People. Osman Gazi conquer several Byzantine Territories and many Turkmen from Oghuz s territories who moved to Anatolia for join Osman s army.

Ghazi s army, under Osman Gazi, according Historian Mehmet Maksudoglu, Ghazi is Turkish Cavalry  who they are farmer and breeder. After the war, Ghazi will back to their villages for raising and farmed. After establishing of Ottoman Regular Army at era of Sultan Orhan Gazi  ( 1326-1362 AD), Ghazi system still defended. Several unite of Ottoman Army, included Akinci, Deli, and Gonullu is variation from Ghazi Unite that became Ottoman s backbone at his early age. Akinci/Aqinji is Turkish Volunteer Cavalry . Akinci, usually is fast army that have a duty to surge to enemie s city and villages. Deli, is one Ottoman light cavalry that recruited from Turkish, Serbian, Croasian, and Bosnian. They are brave-death army and they use hyena s skin as their hat and bear or wolf s skin for their pants. Gonullu, is volunteer army that consist of European and they became city keeper at Europe-Ottoman boundaries.

The lesson, a big something , started by simple and small something. Such as Ottoman Empire that started by small and simple army. Because this, we can started success achievment with simple something.

Maksudoglu, Prof.DR.Mehmet: The Untold History Of Ottoman: Menelusuri Daulah Islamiyah Terbesar di Dunia dan Pemerintahannya, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2023 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad: Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M.

Gultekin, Fatma: Compability beetwen History Texbooks and Historian s Historiography in terms of Historical Reasoning: Th Example Of Halil Inalcik and Establishment Of Ottoman State In Turkish History Education, IJERE ( International Journal Of Educational Research Review),  without volume, number, and year.


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