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How Ruin Of Khedive Dynasty? The Beginning Of Modern Egypt


Source: Flickr.

Today, we will discuss  a end from Khedive Dynasty at Egypt after Napoleon Campaign at Egypt. Before it, we was discuss about Napoleon expedition at Egypt and established of Khedive Dynasty, for understanding how Napoleon invaded Egypt and Khedive Dynasty established, you can read this article:

Napoleon Invation To Egypt And Palestine: Rise Of New Dynasty At Egypt ( Part 1) - ACITYA HISTORY

Today, we will discuss about ruin from Khedive Dynasty.  Khedive Dynasty, ruled Egypt until 1952 AD.   After ruled at Egypt, Muhammad Ali, Founder from Khedive Dynasty, make plan for expansion. At 1811 AD, Khedive Army attack Wahaby army at Saudi Arabia and Khedive Dynasty also kill remnant of Mameluke Soldiers at Egypt, for minimalized threatment.  At 1820 AD, Khedive Army can achieved East Sudan ( An-Nubah) and win the battle at this place.  Muhammad Ali also tried to occupied Syria.

At 1827 AD, Ottoman Navy destroyed by coalition from British, France, and Russia. Muhammad Ali use this chance to attack Syria and occupied it.  Ottoman Empire threatened and Europen States moved to help Ottoman Empire faced Muhammad Ali. After occupied Syria for 10 years, Muhammad Ali retreat to Egypt because European States forced Muhammad Ali. At 1841 AD, happened covenant that Egypt became territories from Muhammad Ali s descedant. Muhammad Ali replaced Khedive Ismail ( ruled 1863-1879 AD). Khedive Ismail faced economy problem at Egypt when his goverment. Egypt, faced big inflated and  he has a role for open  Canal Of Suez. Khedive Ismail, also  wastefull ruler. According Historian  Darsiti Soeratman, at era of Khedive Ismail, Egypt s  debt achieve 80.000.000 pount.  Ismail replaced by his son, Khedive Tewfik.

When era of Khedive Tewfik, Egypt fall to France and England Colonialism.  Broke clash beetwen Egypt Arabian and European at Alexandria, Egypt, 50 or  more European became victims.  At 1882 AD, British Army bomb City Of Alexandria from way of sea.  At this era, appear movement named Egypt Nasionalism that lead by Colonel Ahmad Arabi.  At 1882 AD, all from British and French Army retreat from Egypt after covenant at Istanbul, Capital City Of Ottoman Caliphate.  State Of Egypt still ruled by Khedive Dynasty for several times ago.  When World War I, Egypt became Vassal From British Empire. British Empire replaced Khedive Abbas Hilmi who support Ottoman Dynasty with Hussein Kammi.  Canal Of Suez, still occupied by Kingdom Of England.  After World War II, Kingdom Of England still control Egypt.  And, at 1954 AD, Kingdom Of England held covenant with Egypt Prime Minister, Gamal Abdul Nasser to submit Canal Of Suez to Egypt Goverment.

At 1952 AD, broke revolution at Egypt  under Gamal Abdul Nasser because Egypt s defeated at War Againt State Of Israel. This defeated, because corruption at weapons.  Last Egypt King, Farouk fall from his throne and Gamal Abdul Nasser became first president of Egypt. At 1953 AD, Egypt transformed from kingdom to republic and Gamal Abdul Nasser became first president for Republic Of Egypt.


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