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Napoleon Invation To Egypt And Palestine: Rise Of New Dynasty At Egypt ( Part 1)


Source: Kuliahalislam.

Today, we will discuss one from important confrontation beetwen Ottoman and France at Middle East. It is conflict beetwen Ottoman vs France at Egypt and Palestine at 18 TH Century. And, at this age, Ottoman Empire weakened because incompetent sultan and worse administration. Please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History, and read this article until end for get complete information.

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When Ottoman lead by Sultan Salim III( ruled 1789-1807 AD), State Of France, under Napoleon Bonaparte, planned invaded Egypt at 1798 AD. At July 1798 AD, France Army entred Egypt under command of Napoleon Bonaparte. Ottoman Army under Murad Beg, Ibrahim Beg, and Bekir Pasha faced them, but they defeated.

Napoleon also next his invasion to Palestine, he invaded city of Jaffa and city of Acre. He captured City Of Jaffa and Haifa with battle. But, he doesnt captured City Of Acre, because he failed at siege. France occupied Egypt for 3 years, until 1801 AD, when Ottoman Army landed at Egypt under Yusuf Ziya Pasha and captured it from France.

Beetwen this conflict, an Ottoman  Officer, Muhammad Ali Pasha build new dynasty at Egypt.  France, can kick from Egypt because Ottoman-British Alliance.

At 1801 AD, France Army retreat from Egypt, but British Admiral command them to submit all their weapons. France Army attack British Army, they defeated and State Of France forced to submit Egypt. Egypt, after this invasion, ruled by Muhammad Ali Pasha.

Muhammad Ali Pasha, is one from Egyptian reformist who originally is Turkish and he born at 1769 AD. He became one from Ottoman Commander at Ottoman Campaign to kick France Army from Egypt.  At 1805 AD, he selected as Governor Of Egypt.  He build new army that consist of Albanians. Muhammad Ali founded Khedive Dynasty at Egypt.

Muhammad Ali Pasha,  do knowledge transfer from Western World to Egypt. And, Egypt flow little to little.  He also make a rule about 3 land that free from the tax:
Al-Wasayya,  land that give Muhammad Ali to farmers

Al Ib daiyyat, land out of stateland.

Al Jafalik Wa Syafalik, officer s state s land.

Muhammad Ali also build several dam such as Al-Khatiri Al-Khairiyah at Nile River. And he also repair irigation.

How Khedive s dynasty s ruin? Wait at next episode. Ok, it is my article today, and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.


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ʿAbbās I | ʿAbbās I | Ottoman Viceroy of Egypt | Britannica, accesed 23 June 2024, 09: 20 PM.

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