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Ghaznavid And Ghurid Dynasty: Origin Of Muslim Goverment At India.


Source:  Steve Scalise.

Today, i will discuss about origin from Muslims Rulers at India. Who Dynasty that became Origin Of Islamic Goverment At India, before it, we was discuss about Umayyad Conquest to Sindh/ Pakistan that at this time still part from India. For understanding this article, recommended for you read previous article about Umayyad Dynasty s invasion at India:
Muslim Conquest Of India: History Of Muhammad Ibn Qasim. - ACITYA HISTORY

At era of Umayyad Dynasty, at 713 AD, Umayyad Army success entered India Territories  from Sindh to Haiderabad. But, Umayyad Dynasty not make India as capital. They lead goverment from Capital Of Damascus, Syria. Because this, Islamic Preaching at India is not maximal at era of Umayyad Dynasty.

Originally, before Umayyad Dynasty, Islamic Preach was entered India, but not at big scale.  Beetwen 630-631 AD, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam send messenger to India and King Of Malabar, one Kingdom at India, convert to Islam.  At era of Umayyad Dynasty, Islam spread at India, but not maximal because this territories far from Capital Of Damascus.

Beetwen 366-582 H, established Ghaznavid Dynasty at Ghazna, Afghanistan. Ghaznavid Dynasty established by one Turkish Slave who became Commander from Samanid Dynasty, named Al-Batkin/ Alp Tigin. Al-Batkin established Ghazna and make it as center of his goverment after defeat Manshur Ibn Nuh, Samanid Governor at Khorasan. Al-Batkin s goverment named by Samanid Dynasty. After die of Al-Batqin, Goverment handled by his son, Ishaq. After Ishaq, Ghaznavid Dynasty ruled by Subuktgin, that started expansion to India. And, Ghaznavid Dynasty achieved his golden age under Subuktigin s son, Mahmud Ibn Subuktigin. Mahmud ruled from 999-1030 AD. He expand his territories to India and conquer Territories Of Punjab  Mahmud also conquest many little kingdom at India. He conquer Kingdom Of Khyber Pass at 1000 AD and Hindustani at 1001 AD.  He also conquer Delhi, Capital Of Modern India at 1008 AD. According Historian Ahmad Faidi, Goverment Of Mahmud Ibn Subuktigin is one from success goverment at Islamic History.

At Era Of Ghaznavid Dynasty, born Urdu Language. Now, Language Of Urdu became one of prime language at India and Pakistan. According Historian Ahmad Faidi, Language Of Urdu  born because language acculturate at India when Era Of Ghaznavid Goverment. Ghaznavid Sultan at Palace, use Turkish Language and at office, use Persian Language. Ghaznavid Soldier, when shopping at market, cannot talk with Indian Natives because they are Turkish and Indian Natives use Sanskrit Language. Turkish and Persian influence to Indian Languages , became factor from Born Of Urdu Language. Unfortunately, Mahmud is intolerance leader who destroy  Non Muslim  s place of worship at India.  Mahmud also  impoverished India with  rob Indian  s assets.  According Historian Ibn Kathir, at 418 H, Mahmud Ibn Subuktigin destroy biggest Indian Arca, Sumanat and slaughtered 50.000 villagers.

At 598 AD, Ghaznavid Dynasty at Afghanistan fall and they replaced by Ghurid Dynasty. Ghurid Dynasty, originally are Mountain Tribes at Afghanistan that serve Ghaznavid Dynasty. Ghurid Leader, Sultan Muhammad Al-Ghurri, want next expansion at India.  Muhammad Al-Ghurri became sultan at 1173 AD.  When this age, India experience depravity. Muhammad expand his territories at India. He entered India , but he defeated by Indian Coalition . After this ,  he entered India with 120.000 warriors and faced 300.000 Indian Coalition Warriors. Battle broke and Ghurid Army achieve victory. Muhammad Al-Ghurri occupied City Of Delhi and make it as his goverment center. He coronate his commander, Quthbuddin Aybak, who  is  slave former,  as Governor Of India. Muhammad Al-Ghurri studied from mistakes of his elder, Islamic Preach at India not maximal at era of Ghaznavid Dynasty because Mahmud s atitude who rob Indian Assets and do intolerant goverment. Muhammad Al-Ghurri not destroy worship place and he treat Non Muslim with good Treatment. Sultan Muhammad Al-Ghurri also introduced Islamic Concept that human not split at social strate. Before this, at India, civilian split into several social strates ( Kasta). Muhammad Al-Ghurri s atitude make many Indian Natives convert to Islam.  At 602 H, Muhammad Al-Ghurri die, he replaced by his slave, Qutbuddin Aybak who became his Governor at India. Because, he doesnt has son as his successor. Era Of Qutbuddin Aybak and his descedant popular as Mameluke Dynasty Era at India ( different with Mameluke Dynasty at Egypt and Near East).

From this story, we can learn. Not disgraceful if people studied from his elder s mistakes. Disgraceful, is people know his elder false, but he not studied from this. Because this, learn history is one method to studied from people before us.

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Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

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Faidi, Ahmad: Akulturasi Budaya Islam di India: Tinjauan Historis Terhadap Dialektika Kebudayaan Islam di India, Warisan: Journal Of History and Cultural Heritage, Vol.1, Issue 2, Agustus, 2020 M.

Majidah, Siti: Muhammad Ghuri: Peran dan Pengaruhnya  Dalam Menyebarkan Islam Di Wilayah Asia Selatan,  tanpa tahun dan penerbit.

6 alasan utama untuk belajar bahasa Urdu (50languages.com), accesed 2 August 2024, 09: 36 PM.

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