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Forgotten History: Struggle Of Oman Sultanate For Indenpendence From Portuguese Colonialism: Story Of Sulthan Ibn Saif.



Yesterday, we was discuss about Portuguese secret plan for theves Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s tomb from Medina. Today, we will discuss about Portuguese Colonization at Oman and how Arabian at Oman fight againt Portuguese Colonialist.  Recommended for reader that not yet read previous article, please read this previous article for understanding story plot from this history part:
Vasco Da Gama S Secret Plan? Portuguese s Secret Mission - ACITYA HISTORY

Islam at Oman, have a long history before Portuguese Colonization Age. At era of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam send to him Amr Ibn Ash to preach him and they convert to Islam. Historian Ibn Kathir write after Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam die, appear rebellion from Pagan at Oman. Caliph Abu Bakar send Hudhayfa Ibn Mihsan to turn rebellion at Oman. Oman can conquered by Muslim Army after fierce battle.

Under Islamic Goverment, Oman lead by Dynasty Of Busaidi/ Ibadhi from 135-914 H.  At 1508 AD, Portuguese can occupied several important ports at Oman. Portuguese Army do massacred at Oman. In Expansion at Oman, Portuguese helped by Safavid Dynasty at Iran.  Confrontatio beetwen Oman and Safavid Dynasty run at this age. Oman Army can entered Coastal Of Arab and with help from Ottoman Empire, Oman Army can drive out Safavid Dynasty from Bashra, Iraq. Portuguese can build several fortress at Oman. When this era, Oman split into several tribes. They fight at civil war. Until , at 1624 AD, Nashir Ibn Murshid, one commander from Tribes Of Yarabi/Yaruba can united Oman Tribes and build strong army. Army Of Oman and Portuguese Army fight at Battle Of Thuwa ar-Rulah and Oman Army can defeat Portuguese Army and destroy several Portuguese Fortress. When Nashir die, Portuguese only occupied Port Of Muscat.  Nashir position replaced by his cousin, Sulthan Ibn Saif. He lead Arabian at Oman drive out Portuguese Coloanialist at Oman at Battle Of Muscat. Portuguese Army went from Oman. But, Portuguese still colonized several Islamic Territories at India and Africa. Sulthan Ibn Saif send several army to captured Portuguese s territories out of Oman.

At 1665 AD, Sulthan send expedition to Bemba and at 1668 AD, send expedition to Island Of Qesh. Sulthan also send expedition to Diu, one of Portuguese Fortress at India. After this expedition, he build Fortress Of Nizwa. Fortress Of Nizwa located on Province Of Al-Dhakiliyah-160 KM from Muscat. Beetwen 1650-1655 AD, Sulthan can captured Portuguese Fortress at East Africa, such as at Zanzibar and Bemba. At this era, Oman can ruled  broad territories from East Africa to  India. Arabian from Oman spread Islam at East Africa.

From this story, we can learn. Oman, originally only small territories that colonized by Portuguese. But, after long struggle, Oman , at  brief time can became empire that mastered broad terriories from East Africa to India. At my country, i often hear pesimistic claim- We became retreat country because Dutch Colonization. This claim, only  pronuncation from lazy people who lazy to fight. Whatever our past, we can became success person with persistent struggle and patient.


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Tim Riset dan Studi Islam Mesir: Ensiklopedi Sejarah Islam, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2019 M.

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Nizwa, Ketika Alam Bertemu dengan Warisan Dunia | Republika Online, accesed 1 August 2024, 07: 48 PM.

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