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Fourth Crusade: Byzantine Game Of Throne And Anomaly Crusade.

Source: Dictio ID.

Crusade, usually identics with European Christian Trial for Occupied Palestine from Muslims Goverment. But, Fourth Crusade is unique Crusade. Why? Because Crusader attack Constantinople,  Byzantine Empire Capital, and occupied this city  for long time. This is war beetwen European Christian VS Byzantine Christian and became anomaly at History Of Crusade. Ok, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.  Fourth Crusade, is one of Crusade Episode that infrequenly discuss at Crusade History.

Fourth Crusade begin from Byzantine Empire Game Of Throne. At 1201 AD, Byzantine Emperor, Isaac,who incompetent in govement ousted by his brother and he with his son, Alexius, captured and imprisoned. But, Alexius can escape to German and he ask help to his brother in law, Prince Philip Of Swabia, son of Ex-German Emperor, Frederick Barbarossa. Philip ask help to Pope Boniface. Pope Boniface propose Crusader must attack Constantinople and overthrow Isaac s brother, Emperor Alexius III and replace him with Prince Alexius. At 1202 AD, Crusader went to Constantinople with power 4.500 knight, 9000 guardian, and 20.000 infantry. They supported by Enrico Dandolo, Duke Of Venice. At 8 Nophember 1202 AD,  Crusader rob City Of Zara, helped with Venetian. And, at 1203 AD, they arrive at Constantinople. They succeded overthrow Emperor Alexius III  and coronated Prince Alexius as Byzantine Emperor with title Emperor Alexius IV. Greek People, who are Constantinople Natives rebel againt Crusader because they hate Crusader s atitude who drink liquor and rob villages. Alexius IV die and he replaced by Alexius III s son in law, who titled Emperor Alexius V. At 6 April, Crusader and Greek Militia fight at city and Greek Militia defeated. Crusader rob Constantinople, kill kids and women, rap several women, and  tarnish curch. According Middle Age Historian Ibn Kathir, begin, Crusader want to captured Jerusalem, Holiest City at Palestine from hand of Muslim Goverment/ Ayyubid Dynasty. But, they captured Constantinople and rob this city. According Historian Ibn Kathir, Crusader slaughtered many civilian at Curch Of Aya Sophia, Constantinople.

Crusader occupied Constantinople and established Crusader Kingdom at Constantinople. They appointed Prince Baldwin IX Of Flanders to became Emperor Of Constantinople. Byzantine Empire disappear from Constantinople and this name replaced by Latin Empire Of Romania. Greek People split into two goverment. First group  founded Kingdom Of Nicea at Anatolia and second group founded Pontus Empire at Trabzon, East Anatolia.   At 1261 AD, Greek Peoples can captured Constantinople and drive out Crusader from Constantinople.

At other time, Insha Allah, we will discuss about Trabzon Empire, Byzantine Empire remnant that conquered by Mehmet II / Muhammad Al-Fatih at 1461 AD. Fourth Crusade , it is important event that form new politic constelacy at Byzantine Empire, especially at Constantinople and Anatolia.

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Enrico Dandolo | Doge of Venice, 4th Crusade Leader | Britannica, accesed 3 August 2024, 09: 48 PM.

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