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Dome Of Mosque At Islamic Culture? Inspired by Byzantine Curch?

Source: Kubah Madina.

Today, we will discuss about one forgotten topic at Islamic History. From where dome of the mosque at Islamic Culture? Is dome from the mosque inspired by Byzantine Curch?And, we will discuss at this article. From where dome of mosque originated? And, it is true Dome of mosque originated from Byzantine Arcitechture. Lets discuss at this article.

Dome of mosque, originally was knowed by Hebrews People at ancient age. Historian Ibn Khaldun , mentioned Hebrew People under Propeth Joshua Ibn Nun Alaihissalam was knowed dome as their worship place. Hebrew People under Propeth Sulaiman Alaihissalam build Bait Al-Maqdis/ Beit Hamikdash as their worship place at Jerusalem. It is origin from Mosque Al-Aqsa, for history abot Mosque Al-Aqsa, you can refer this article:

Where Mosque Al-Aqsa At The Koran? Historical Explained. - ACITYA HISTORY.

And, dome adopted by Byzantine Empire . At 532 AD, Byzantine Empire build Curch Hagia Sophia at Constantinople with dome. And, this arcitechtur style popular from era Emperor Justinian ruled at Byzantine Empire.

Early mosque at Islamic History, not use dome at above mosque. Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam build simple mosque at Medina, Saudi Arabia with wall from clay and roof from stem of palmfruit. Muazzin, terms for special attendant to call people for prayer, call people for prayer from roof of mosque.

When Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam  build mosque at Medina, according Islamic Scholar  Ibnu Shihab, said that Rasulullah Shallahu alaih Wasallam build mosque at Medina with palmfruit woods and bricks. And, also this mosque also builded with composition of clay.

When Rasidun Caliphate capture Syria, Palestine, and around this at 7 TH Century, Muslim Arcitechture at Syria influenced by Byzantine Arcitechture. Islamic Mosques at Rasidun Caliphate s era, started influenced by Byzantine and Persian Style. When Muslim preach at China, they build mosque that similar with Buddhishm s temple. One of popular mosque with dome that builded at Islamic Caliphate Era is Dome Of The Rock/ Mosque at Umar at Complect Of Masjid Al Aqsa, Jerusalem, Palestine. At 691 AD, Caliph Abdul Malik from Umayyad Dynasty build Dome Of Rock/ Mosque Of Umar. According Islamic Historian Ahmet Kuru, Dome Of The Rock at Jerusalem and Umayyad Mosque at Damascus, Syria show arcitechture style that influenced by style of Byzantine, Persian, and Pagan Style. According Historian Masudi ( die 965 AD), Islamic Civilization at Caliphate Era is  Heir from Persian, Chaldean, Greeks, Egypt, India, Chinese and Arabic Culture.

Mameluke and Ayyubid Dynasty make dome from the mosque as tomb. They burried mosque and school founders under dome of mosque. And, dome of the mosque, when Crusader from Europe  ruled at Palestine beetwen 12-13 TH Century, they imitated dome of mosque to their building. And, dome of mosque, also used by curch arcitechture at Europe. Such as at Great Britain, France, Spain, and German. According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, arcitechture from curch at Europe with dome, imitate Dome Of Rock at Mosque Al Aqsa.

Ottoman Empire, as last Islamic dynasty, also build several mosque that influenced by Byzantine Arcitechture. Such as Green Mosque at Bursa that builded by Sultan Mehmed I Celebi ( ruled 1413-1421 AD)and also Al Fatih mosque that builded by Sultan Mehmed II Al-Fatih at 1453 AD, when he conquer Constantinople. Beside Cathedral Of Hagia Sophia that changed to mosque by Mehmed II.

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Sejarah Kubah Masjid, Asal Usul & Perkembangannya | Kubah Madina, accesed 22 August 2024, 08: 03 PM.


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