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How Caliphate Became Monarch? Islamic History Analyzing.


Source: Pinterest.

Today, we will discuss about one important part from Islamic History. How Rashidun Caliphate that basicly at Syura ( deliberation) and election without heritage transform to Umayyad Caliphate that basic on monarchy and heritage of goverment? Ok, at this article we will discuss about how deliberation system at Islamic Goverment transform to monarch system. And, please read this article until end for get complete information about this topic. We will discuss one transition age at Islamic History.

Rashidun Caliphate, that established from 632 until 660 AD. Based on Syura  for choose leader. They not use feodal system. After die of Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam at 632 AD, he replaced by his bestfriend, Abu Bakr As-Shidiq because he doesnt has the son for replaced his leadership.  Abu Bakr As-Shidiq became first caliph from Rashidun Caliphate. At 13 H, he replaced by other Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s bestfriend, Umar Ibn Khattab. Before his die,  Abu Bakr As-Shidiq write a letter for Umar Ibn Khattab to replaced him.  And, before his die , Umar Ibn Khattab command to other shahaba to held caliph election with candidate several shahaba: They are Ali Ibn Abi Thalib, Utsman Ibn Affan, Thalhah Ibn Ubaidillah, and Abdurrahman Ibn Auf. And, Utsman Ibn Affan became Umar s successor.  It is example of Syura at Rashidun Caliphate. Utsman s successor, Ali Ibn Abi Thalib appointed by Muslim Society as caliph.  After Ali Ibn Abi Thalib s die , for temporal time, Ali s son, Hassan Ibn Ali appointed became caliph. But he retreat and replaced by Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan.

At 660 AD, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan coronated as caliph at Jerusalem, Palestine. And Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan ruled with goverment center at Damascus, Syria. Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan entered monarch system to caliphate. And his state change to name Umayyad Caliphate ( according Clan Of Muawiya). Under his leadership, Islamic Caliphate transformed to Islamic Kingdom for first time, but with name caliphate. He  involved rivality from Ibn Az-Zubayr, but he can handle it. Ibn Zubayr also involved rivality with Muawiya s son who replaced him, Yazid Ibn Muawiyya. Ibn Az-Zubayr supported by People Of Hijaz. His era condusive and at 64 H, his son, Yazid Ibn Muawiya, who was became caliph appointed his son, Muawiyya Ibn Yazid to became crownprince. But Muawiya Ibn Yazid die at young age and he replaced by Marwan Ibn Hakam. People at Levant Territories support Marwan Ibn Hakam, and after Marwan, his successor, Abdul Malik Ibn Marwan.  Civil war broke until ended with die of Abdullah Ibn Zubayr.

According History Researcher DRS.Ishomuddin,  Post-Rashidun Caliphate Islamic Goverment imitates system from Roman and Persia Empire. Included Umayyad Caliphate. When Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan ruled, he appointed his son, Yazid as his successor.  And, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufyan call all of Muslim Governors at Islamic Territories and command one governor, Al-Dhahhak Ibn Qays Al-Fahri to  confess Yazid match to became caliph. All governors agree, except for Ahnaf Ibn Qays. According Researcher DRS.Ishomuddin, it is retrogression  because it is time appear split beetwen Muslims and according Islamic Scholar Ibn Taimiyya, best islamic goverment is Rasidhun Caliphate.

Wallahualam Bishawab.


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