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El Cid: Spanish Knight Who Use Arabic Name.


Source: Zendalibros.

Arabic name, usually used by Muslims. But, at history, exist Christian Knight from Spain use Arabic Name. And,he is one biggest enemy from Al-Moravid Dynasty at Andalusia/Spain. He is El Cid. The forgotten Spanish Knight with Arabic Name. Today, we will discuss about this character and how this motive use Arabic Name. Ok, lets search it and read this article until end for get complete information.

El Cid Campeador, is knight with original name Rodrigo Diaz De Bivar. He is one from Mozarab, Mozarab are Spanish Natives who assimilated with Arab Muslims and they are Christian, but they use Arabic Language and  they write with Arabic Alphabet. At era Al Moravid ( Al Murabithun)  Dynasty, Rodrigo work to King Alfonso IV Of Castille. He use title El-Cid ( from Arabic Language Sayyid / lord). At Spain, Sayyid  pronounced by Sid, because this Rodrigo Diaz De Bivar called by El-Cid. At 1081 AD,  King Alfonso IV drive out Rodrigo from Castille. According Historian Philip.K.Hitti, Rodrigo Diaz De Bivar has behavior like Muslims.

Complete notes about biography of El Cid Campeador written by Jewish Historian, Judah  Halevi. Judah Halevi write, at 1091 AD, Alfonso IV  call El Cid for help him captured City Of Granada that captured by Al Moravid Dynasty. But, King Alfonso IV slam El Cid betrayer and he drive out El Cid from Castille. El Cid work to one Muslim Kingdom at Spain, Kingdom Of Zaragoza and he became military commander at this kingdom. El Cid fight againt Kingdom Of Castille and he with his Muslims ally attack territories from Kingdom Of Castille.  From Kingdom Of Zaragoza ( Hud Dynasty), he get several Muslim Warriors and his Muslim Warriors give him title ‘El Cid’. Rodrigo / El Cid captured Valencia, Spain at 1094 AD and he fight with Al-Moravid Dynasty.  El Cid also besieged Juballa s fortress that was occupied by Al-Moravid Army. Fortress Of Juballa besieged by El Cid s army, but Al-Moravid Commander,  Abu Bakar Al-Lamtuni went to his city and El Cid retreat. At 1093 AD, El Cid occupied City Of Valencia and at 1098 AD, Leader Of Al-Moravid Dynasty, Yusuf Ibn Tashfin  fight againt El Cid at Battle Of Konsugira and he defeated this commander.  At 1099 AD, El Cid die and Al-Moravid Army captured City Of Valencia at 1102 AD.

At Muslim Reign Age at Spain, influence from Islamic Culture to Jewish and Christian is so strong. Dunash Ibn Labrat, Jewish Poet adopted Arabian Poem s aspect to Hebrew Poet. Hasdai Ibn Ishak, an Jewish Officer at goverment of Caliph Abdurrahman III ( ruled 912-961 AD) , Umayyad Caliph at Spain, popular with his skill write at Arabic, that of couse he studied it from Muslims. Mozarab, use Arabic Language at their worship. It is show strength from Islamic Culture at Spain.

We, as Islamic Young Generation must proud with our culture. Islam have beautiful language, Arabic Language.  Dont permit Arabic Language shifted with western languages. We must keep Islamic Culture and proud with it. Because, at the past, Islamic Culture ever became popular culture at Islamic Golden Age.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Menocal, Maria Rosa: Sepotong Surga di Andalusia: Kisah Peradaban Muslim, Yahudi, Kristen Spanyol Pertengahan (750-1492 M), Penerbit Mizan, 2006 M.

Arini, Nikma: Andalusia Pada Masa Kekuasaan Dinasti Al-Murabitun ( 1090-1147), Skripsi UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2010 M.

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