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Nusantaria: View Southeast Asia History From Other Side.

Source: Shopee.

Title: Nusantaria Sejarah Asia Tenggara Maritim.

Writter: Philip Bowring.

Pages: 401.

Publisher: KPG.

 Publish Year: 2022 AD.

Language: Indonesia.

Today, i will give you recommendation book about Southeast Asia History.  Southeast Asia History, is one from important part of history. Included History Of Indonesia, this book give us “new perspective” about Southeast Asia History. Yes, from maritime perspective.

With easy language, this book tell us about History Of Maritime at Southeast Asia. From ancient age to modern age. We will bring to important age from Southeast Asia s  maritime history, example at era of Majapahit Kingdom at Indonesia that success united Southeast Asia with his maritime s power.

Different with other historian, such as Paul Michel Munoz with his book Kerajaan-kerajaan Awal Kepulauan Indonesia dan Malaysia that discuss Southeast Asia History from politic and economy side, this book informated us Southeast Asia maritime from ancient age,  Hindu-Budha s kingdoms age, Islamic Age, Colonial Age, until modern age. This book also completed by map that make us easy understand situation at this age.

This book also serve us several amazing facts that maybe never heared by us before it. Example, notes of Alfonso Alburqueque, Portuguese Governor Of Malacca at 16 TH Century, about Javanese Map that contained Territories Of Brazil. It is fact that Javanese find South America before European? It is interest to became discussion topic.

Other plus value from this book is use of primary source as refrence. Writter Philip Bowring use primary source from local source or external source. Example, for describe Indonesia at 16 TH Century, Bowring use several notes from several sailor who visit Indonesia at this age, such as Notes from Tome Pires, Duarte Barbosa, and several Chinese Sailors. It is became plus value , because use authentic primary sources.

The weakness from this book, is sometimes, this book not detailed discuss several event that should is important event at history. Example, Demak s conquest of Sunda Kelapa (  Now Jakarta , Capital Of Indonesia ) at 1527 AD, Bowring only write that Demak conquer Sunda Kelapa from Kingdom Of Pajajaran/ Sunda for prevent Portuguese-Sunda Alliance that harm s Kingdom Of Demak s bussiness at Southeast Asia. Who Demak Ruler and Pajajaran s king at this era, and how battle run, Bowring not details tell this story. Though, Sunda Kelapa is important port at Java . And, also Bowring not details tell how Majapahit fall at end of 15 TH Century, though Majapahit is biggest maritime state at Southeast Asia at this time.

According my opinion, Bowring s book recommended to became prime literature at History Of Southeast Asia from maritime perspective. I, as Southeast Asia History Interest, advise  you to read this book, if you will seeing Southeast Asia History from other perspective.

You can buy this book at this link or borrow it from nearest library:
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