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Crusade Happened Because Islamic S Goverment Intolerance? Answer Raving Channel # SunnahNabi With Valid Data.

Source: Pinterest.

Today, i find video from one channel that confess Islamic History Channel, but like out narration that discredite Islamic History. Yes, it is Sunnah Nabi Channel. From this video, i see the youtuber want explain that Crusade happened because Islamic Goverment Intolerance at Palestine and around this. At this article, we will answer raving from Channel Sunnah Nabi wih valid data. What s plan from Crusade originally and it is true Muslim treat Christian Pilgrim with intolerance before Crusade? Lets we discuss, one by one.

First, claim that Muslim threat Christian at Palestine and around this with cruel threatment, such as raving from this channel, is invalid. Johannes Bar Penkaye, an Christian Writter who write at 680 AD, write that Umayyad Caliph, Muawiyya Ibn Abi Sufyan ( ruled 658-680 AD) success make peace and harmony beetwen Muslim and Christian at his goverment. Several archaeolog who do research at Rihab, Jordania, find conclusion that several church at Jordania still  complete and not destroyed. Bar Penkaye write, that Muslims, Christian, Pagan, and Jews at Umayyad Caliphate get same treatment. And, they can life with harmony under Islamic Goverment.

Ruler before Muslim Caliphate at Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Libanon, and aroud it, Byzantine Empire that is Orthodox Christian though oppress Christian from different group. Example Of Qartmin Christian. Mar Gabriel, an Priest From Qartmin Christian who die at 667 AD write at his note, that Arabs ( Muslims Conqueror) more he likes from Byzantine s oppress.

Why with Caliph Al-Hakim from Fathimid Dynasty s  Statement that destroy Church Of HolySepulchre at Jerusalem? Al-Hakim, that ruled from 996-1021 AD, who destroy Church Of Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem and oppresed Christian and Jew. Al-Hakim not worship to Islamic God ( Allah Subhanahuwataala ) and he confess himself as god s reincarnation. Islamic Theology, only believes Allah Subhanahuwatala as god for worship and worship god other Allah make an Muslim out from Islam. Fix, Al-Hakim is not Muslims because he dont obey Islamic Theology.  QS. Ad-Dzariyat: 56 tell us that according Islamic Theology, Allah Subhanahuwatala is one god that resevers to worship.

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I did not create jinn and humans except to worship Me.

( QS. Adz-Dzariyat: 56)

Al-Hakim, is Adherent from Religion Of Druze and crazy, he confess as god at his religion. If you want condemn Al-Hakim because his mistakes- not condemn Islamic Religion.
And, Sunnah Nabi Channel s statement that Crusade happened because Muslims colonized Anatolia that is Byzantine s territories, it is big blunder.  Seljuq s expedition to Byzantine Teritories because Byzantine s  threatment to Islamic Territories. At 351 H, Byzantine rob City Of Anzarbus, one from Muslim Territories at boundaries. Seljuq s expedition to Armenia and Caesarea that ruled by Byzantine Empire, Battle Of Manzikert 1071 AD and Seljuq Expedition to Anatolia is reaction from Byzantine s Threat to Islamic Territories.

Ok, we was discuss it. Important for us read many literature about Islamic History for get complete knowledge about Islamic History and answer slam fom Islamic Haters to Islamic History. Subscribe, follow, and share this blog for get complete knowledge about Islamic History.


Surah Adh-Dhariyat - 56 - Quran.com, accesed 27 July 2024, 10: 13 PM.
At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit  Aqwam, 2016 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Kennedy, Hugh: Penaklukkan Muslim Yang Mengubah Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Cole, Juan: Muhammad Juru Damai Di Tengah Benturan Imperium Besar Dunia, Penerbit Alvabet, 2019 M.

Anonim: Daurah Dasar Islam: Melangkah Bersama Ilmu, FOSKI Surabaya.

Alasan Terjadinya Perang Salib (youtube.com), accesed 27 July 2024, 10: 15 PM.



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