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Nizham Al-Mulk At-Thusi: Prime Minister At Islamic Golden Age.


Source: Infoknowledge

Today, i will discuss about one of Islam Prime Minister at Islamic Golden Age. He is one of Muslim Pioneer at education. His achievment popular until western world. Okay, please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History. We will discuss one of important Islamic Figure at history.

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Nizham Al-Mulk born at 1018 AD with original name Hasan Ibn Ali. His father named Ali Ibn Ishaq. Ali is one from Ghaznavid Dynasty s officer and he is big enterpreneur at Thus, Iran. Hasan memorized Quran at 11 TH Year. He also studied Arabic Language and gramatical, Hadith, Nahwu, and Math. And, when Hasan grown up, he became officer for Seljuq Dynasty.

Thugril Beq, Seljuq Dynasty founder introduced Hasan to his crownprince, Alp Arslan.  He ask his son to obey him. Since this, Hasan became advisor for Alp Arslan as Seljuq s dynasty s Crownprince. Hasan choose several pious  minister for Seljuq s cabinet. And,at Battle Of Manzikert 1071 AD when Byzantine and European Coalition Army attack Muslim Territories, and Alp Arslan lead Seljuq Army at this battle, Hasan bring women and children at war zone to secure zone for avoid rapping and captivity by enemy forces if Muslim Army defeat at this battle. Seljuq Army achieve decisive victory at this battle, for know about this battle, please open this article:
Alp Arslan: Turkish Lion Who Forgotten. - ACITYA HISTORY

Because this, he titled as Nizham Al-Mulk ( Kingdom Strategist). Nizham Al-Mulk, after Alp Arslan s die, became prime minister at goverment of Alp Arslan s son,  Malik Shah.

At 457 H, Nizham Al-Mulk found university, named Nizhamiyyah University. According Historian Tamim Ansary, Nizhamiyah University at past maybe same with Yale University at modern age. Nizham Al-Mulk also make fair tax system. He also build police system for protect traders. According Historian Tamim Ansary, Nizham Al-Mulk was make new social order: Arabian as religion leader, Turkish as Muslims Military, and Persian as donatur of administration, philosopgy, poet, architectur, and painting.

Nizham Al-Mulk also help Malik Shah held astronomers conference for make new Persian Calendar. This conference, make new calender, named Jalali Calendar- that according Historian Philip.K.Hitti, more accurate from AD Calendar. Nizham also write a book about goverment, named Siyasah Namah. Under Malik Shah and Nizham Al-Mulk, Seljuq Empire can ruled  broad territories from Kashgar ( Xinjiang) at China until Jerusalem at Palestine.

Nizham die at 1092 AD, because he killed by Assasin when give a lecture in front of People Of Nahavand, Persia. And, after his die, followed Malik Shah s die, Seljuq Empire broke into several Malik Shah s sons and it is factor Muslim s weakness at First Crusade, as we discuss at this article below:
Imad Ad Din Zengi: The Forgotten Hero. - ACITYA HISTORY

Ok, it is my article today. At new website, our discussion Insha Allah, is new topic. And, of course, different with this website. What is this? Wait us at new website.

At-Turbani, Jihad: 100 Tokoh Islam Yang Mengubah Sejarah, Penerbit Aqwam, 2016 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The  Arabs: Rujukan Induk dan Paling Otoritatif Tentang Sejarah Peradaban Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Ansary, Tamim: Dari Puncak Bagdad Sejarah Dunia Versi Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2017 M

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