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Literation At Islamic Golden Age.

Source: Artofit.

Today, i will discuss about literation at Islamic Golden Age. We will know how literation at Islamic Golden Age became priority and how it became factor of Islamic Great Achievment at Middle Age? Ok, lets discuss it. Please read this article until end and subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.  We will know how Literation History at Islam and how Islamic Literature suffered stagnation and retrogression?

Literation at Islamic History, was started when Early Islamic History.  When Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam get first revelation at Cave Of Hira  from angel that command him to read. Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam said he cannot read, the angel give him several verses ( Quran Surah Al-Alaq 1-5) and ask him to read. With angel s guidance, Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam read this verses. This story, according Islamic Faith, is fist revelation.

This story is symbol, Muslims must can read and write for understand Allah s greatness. At early Islamic Age, literation at Islam started by Quran Codification. After die of Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam, Muslim Society lead by  Caliph Abu Bakr As-Shidiq, who command Propeth Muhammad Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s secretary, Zaid Ibn Tsabit to codificated  Quran. Quran Codification, next by Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan at 651 AD. Because at this era, Muslims not yet know about paper, usually codification do with uniting several Quran part at palm stem and white rock. Three copy from Quran send to Damascus, Bashra, and Kufa. It is not mean Quran writting at era of Abu Bakar. At Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s era, was exist several Quran fragmen s notes, but it is codificated at Abu Bakar s era. At era of Umayyad Dynasty that replaced Rashidun Dynasty, Writing Tradition also flow to literature, such as poem and poetry. Poem, also use for write  a story. Example, Jamil Al-Udhri, make a story of Layla and Majnun-Arabian Populer Love Story.

At era Of Abbasid Dynaty, appear many writing with Arabic Language, that also flow to knowledge book, such as historical notes. Example Imam Al-Waqidi who life 748-823AD, write a book about Rasulullah Shallahu Alaihi Wasallam s life. Unfotunately, only one part that can we access, this is Book Of Maghazi.

Historiography s writing at era of Abbasid Dynasty, example Sirat Rasul Allah that written by Ibn Ishaq. At science, Abu Uthman Amr Ibn Bahr Al-Jahiz write Al-Hayawan/ Book Of Animals about biology according Aristoteles s idea.  At Abbasid Dynasty era, writing system more forward because paper that entered Islamic Civilization at 751 AD, from several Chinese Hostages. Abbasid Capital City, Bagdad have giant library.  At Spain that ruled by Umayyad Dynasty, literation also flow with appear of many knowledge book that written by Muslims Scholar, such as Tarikh Al Iftitah Al Andalus that written by Ibn Quthia who die at 997 AD  at historical studied and Al-Mughni Fi Adwiyah Al-Mufradah at medicine that written by Ahmad Ibn Al-Baythar. Abu Qasim Al-Zahrawi, an Muslim Docter at Spain, also  write a big book titled Al-Tashrif Li Man Ajaz an Al Talif that dicuss about surgery.

But, from 10 TH-15 TH Century, Muslims faced Crusader Invasion who occupied Muslim Important Cities at  Mediterrania, such as Antiokhia, Edessa, Tripoli, Acre, and Jerusalem. And also, Mongols Invasion that destroy Abbasid Caliphate at 1258 AD. Since this, Muslims  interest to literation reduced small by small, because many Islamic Literature destroyed when

Crusader and Mongol s attack. Islamic Scholar that write scientific books such as Ibn Batuta and Ibn Khaldun at 14 TH Century started ignored.

Ok, it is my article today. Not like slam from his hater, Islam is not religion that make human stupid, but motivated human to became clever person. We will became stupid or clever person, it is our choice. With became clever, we can help many people with our knowledge.

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Al-Waqidi - Ensiklopedia Islam, accesed 21 July 2024, 10: 13 PM.


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