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Imad Ad Din Zengi: The Forgotten Hero.

Source: Pinterest.

Maybe we are more familiar with name Saladin as libertor of Jerusalem, but before Saladin, exist pioneer of liberation, he is Imad Ad Din Zengi, an Seljuq Commander that conquer Edessa from Crusader and started liberation of Palestine from hand of Crusader. Lets discuss it, but before this, please subscribe my blog for more Islamic History Information.

Beetwen 1097-1099 AD, Crusaders attack Land Of Palestine and Syria and they captured it from Muslim Ruler, they established 4 Frankish Kingdom at Syria, Jerusalem, Edessa, Antioch, and Tripoly.Crusader expand their territories to other territories at Palestine, Kingdom Of Jerusalem captured Acre and Haifa and defeat Egypt Navy. When Era Of Baldwin I ( 1100-118 AD) Of Jerusalem, Kingdom Of Jerusalem expand their territories from Aqaba to Beirut. At 1104 AD, Byblos fall to hands of Crusaders.

Qadhi Al-Harawi, an Muslim Scholars with several refuuges come to Bagdad to ask helped from Abbasid Caliphate. But, Caliph doesnt do something to help them.Many delegation came to Bagdad to ask Caliph Of Abbasid send his army to Palestine, but he doesnt response it.

At this moment, appear Muslim Hero, he is Imad Ad Din Zengi, names of Imad Ad Din Zengi recorded at Inscription Of Aleppo at Aleppo, Syria, that written at 1142 AD, write Zengi is conqueror of infidels.  According the report of Imad Ad Din al-Ashfahani, Zengi is cruel leader, but how Zangi s role at the First Crusade, lets check it.

According Notes Of Ibn Athir, Zengi is son from Malik Shah s slave. Malik Shah is greatest Sultan Of Seljuq,  according Notes Of Ibn Khallikan, Malik Shah is greatest sultan from Seljuq Empire , he occupied Jerusalem, Kashgar, and around Constantinople. Doesnt many notes about Imad Ad-Din Zengi, clearly, but, at 1127 AD, he founded Zengid Dynasty at Aleppo, Harran, and Mosul. Zengi s father is Aq Sonqor, slaves from Malik Shah that pointed became Governor at Aleppo.  At 1094 AD, Aq Sunqur die at hand of Assasins. According Philip.K.Hitti, Zengi is biggest enemy for Crusader at this era, Zengi united Kingdom Of Aleppo, Haran, and Mosul, and at 1144 AD, he attack Crusader s position at City Of Edessa, he succeded defeat Ruler Of Edessa, Joscelin II.

Imad Ad Din Al-Ashfahani sayed Zengi is an tyranny and he is temperamental person, at this army, Zengi have several poet that recorded history at their poetry, they is Ibn Al-Qaisarani and Ibn Munir.

But, though popular as cruel person, Zengi has big role to resurrect Muslims after their defeat againts Crusader. Zengi has ambition to unite Syria and occupied Damascus for united Muslim Power.  Ibn Al-Qaisarani ilustrated it at his poet: “ If Conquest Of Edessa is the sea, Jerusalem and Sahil is the beach.

It is give we a lesson: one side of ugliness from one person, doesnt the person is person, all of person have ugliness side and kindness side. And history, moved by imperfect men that has good intention for together goodness.

Hillenbrand, Carole: Perang Salib Sudut Pandang Islam, Penerbit Serambi, 2015 M.

Hitti, Philip.K: History Of The Arabs, Penerbit Serambi, 2006 M.

Amstrong, Karen: Fields Of Blood: Mengurai Sejarah Hubungan Agama Dan Kekerasan, Penerbit Mizan, 2016 M.

Imaduddin Zanki Peletak Pondasi Pembebasan Al-Aqsha (minanews.net), accesed 1 April2024, 14: 35 PM.

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