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Mystery About Knight Of ST.John, Pirates?

Source: SJS75years.

Today, i will discuss about one of Ottoman largest Enemy, Knight Of ST.John. I will discuss how they appear at stage of history, and from where their origin. Because, they are important enemy at Ottoman History. Before i next the discussion, i give a disclaimer. At this article, i will give information about this group from viewpoint from Islam and Western Historians. About origin from this group. And, before next this article, please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

Islamic Sources like  writing of Prof.DR.Mehmet Maksudoglu, identified Knight Of ST.John as remnant of Crusaders who out from Palestine and stay at Island Of Rhodes for hijacked Muslim s ships. This theory, also  approved by Palestinian Historian , Shaykh Jihad Turbani.

But, Knight Of ST.John have longer history. Now, we discuss retreat to the Era Of Crusade. According Historian Karen Amstrong, when  Jerusalem,Most Important City at Palestine fall to  European Crusader  at 1099 AD, Crusader established Kingdom Of Jerusalem. And, at Kingdom Of Jerusalem,  formed two groups of knight. They are Templar Knight and Hospitaller Knight. Hospitaller Knight, wo according Karen Amstrong became origin from Knight Of ST.John, are  European Organization who serve poor and sickmen at Palestine. And, Templar Knight, are elite army from Kingdom Of Jerusalem, who protect Christian Pilgrims who visit Jerusalem. Kingdom Of Jerusalem, also give several castles to Templar and Hospitaller Knight.It, is similar with Kibbutz system at Modern Israel State. Colonizer build settlements for their business at colonized territories. Knight Of Templar, have interest history, because they became origin of Freemasonry. For Knight Of Templar, at other time, maybe we will discuss at special article.

Knight Of Hospitaller, also joined several important battle with Knight Of Templar. One of them, Siege Of Damascus 1148 AD, at Second Crusade. For friends who not yet understand about plot from second crusade, can read at this article:
Nur Addin Zengi: Saladin S Mentor. ( Part 1) - ACITYA HISTORY

At 1187 AD, Knight Hospitaller fight with Kingdom Of Jerusalem againt Saladin s Army who moved for liberate Jerusalem from Crusader. At Battle Of Shufuriyah ( Sephoria), Commander Of Hospitaller die, and at Battle Of Hatthin 1187 AD, many cavalry from Knight Of Hospitaller executed by Saladin when they  captive. Saladin next this campaign to conquer Coastal Cities at Palestine from Crusaders, according Gaza, Arsuf, Thabaria ( Tiberias) and other.  Until he liberate Jerusalem from Crusader, and besieged several Crusader s castles.Knight Of Hospitaller also joined several battle with Richard The Lion Heat, King Of England, for seize back land of Palestine from Saladin. Beetwen this, Battle Of Arsuf 1191 AD, when Richard defeat Saladin s army. For friends who not yet know about Third Crusade, you can read at this article”

Saladin And Richard: Two State Solution Roots At History - ACITYA HISTORY

At 1289 AD, Mamluk Sultan, Qallawun, conquer Fort Of Tripoli at Lebanon from Knight Of Hospitaller. And, at 1291 AD, Crusader Existension at Palestine and around it, ended because Mamluk Sultan, Al-Ashraf ( ruled 1290-1293 AD), conquer Acre and several last Crusader Cities.

Remnant Of Hospitaller Knight, escaped to Island Of Rhodes, and they became pirates, attack Muslims Ships. They also became  mastermind at Ottoman Sucession Conflict. Example, at 1482 AD, they help one of Mehmed II s son, Jem, who not selected to became sultan, to attack Sultan Bayezid II Veli, Mehmed II Son who selected to became sultan. At 1522 AD, Knight Of ST.John, escaped from Rhodes because Sultan Sulaiman I Of Ottoman s expansion to Rhodes, and they choose new basic at Malta. From Malta, they attack Ottoman Dynasty.

Ok, it is concise history about Knight Of ST.John, who became one of biggest military orders at middle age, that i write from several sources. Share this article to your beloved people if you feel this article give you benefit. And, write at comment columns, your request for next article.


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As-Shallabi, Prof.DR.M.Ali: Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi: Pahlawan Islam Pembebas Baitul Maqdis, Pustaka Al-Kautsar, 2018 M.

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Hamas, Edgar dan Isa, Sayf Muhammad: Lost Islamic Victory: Menyingkap Sebab Kalah Mengulangi Kemenangan Bersejarah, Penerbit Gensa Berilmu, 2023 M.


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