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Why Abrahah Attack Mecca? History Analyzation About Event Before Propeth Muhammad s Born.

Source: Media Banten.

For Muslim readers, you  certainly know, Propeth Muhammad born at elephant year, when Abrahah from Yemen attack Mecca with elephant army, to destroy Kabah, holy site for Muslims. Today, i will discuss, who s Abrahah and why his motivation to attack Kabah? How Abrahah occupied Yemen? Ok, lets read this article until end, but before this, please subscribe my blog for more information about Islamic History.

For know completely about History Of Indonesia, you can refer my second blog: Halaman Artikel Profil Eril Sadewa - Kompasiana.com, at this blog, i more focus discuss about Islamic and Pre-Islamic History at the world. Ok, let start to discuss it.

We will started from Yemen at Pre-Islamic Age.  Theopratus, who die at 288 BC, write about a one ancient state at Yemen, Kingdom Of Saba. Kingdom Of Saba, are Phoenician Colony at South Arabia. Phoenicia, are one from Palestine s natives, who have skill to sail and trade. For History Of Phoenician, was we discuss at this article:
Who s Palestinian Natives? Proof Existension Of Palestinian Natives. - ACITYA HISTORY

Kingdom Of Saba, was exits from 8 TH to 7 TH Century. And Kingdom Of Saba invaded their neighbourd, Kingdom Of Minea. Yemen, split into several kingdom, such as Saba, Minea, Qathaban, and Hadhramaut.

At 115 BC, Yemen fall into new ruler from Tribes Of Himyar. One of archaeological proof from Tribes Of Himyar is Castle Of Ghumdan.  At this era, Propeth Isa s teaching was entered to Yemen by an missionaris named Theopilus.

At 523 AD, Kingdom Of Himyar lead by Jews King named Dzu Nuwas, who tortured Propeth Isa s followers at Yemen. Many Propeth Isa s followers killed by Dzu Nuwas. At Islamic Tradition, this story recorded at Holy Quran Surah 85: Verses 4-8.  One of Propeth Isa s follower , Dzu Tsalaban, ask helped to Emperor Of Byzantine, Justin I. Justin command his allies, King Negus from Abbisinya ( Ethiophia) to invaded Yemen and liberated it from Jews s reign. Dzu Nuwas die at battle beetwen Himyar and Abbisinyan Army. Abbisnyan Army lead by Aryath, who replaced by one from his soldier, Abrahah, after Abrahah kill him. Abbysinian Army won the battle at 523 and 525. Leader from battle at 525 is Abrahah. Abrahah became leader for Abbysinian s colony at Yemen.

Abrahah, built a church at Yemen and he want Arabians who visit Mecca for pilgrimage leave Mecca an visit his church. But Arabian still visit Mecca, and one man from Tribes Of Kinana  throw dirt to this place. Abrahah so angry and he go to Mecca with elephants army.  He want destroy Kabah.

At 571 AD, Abrahah went to Mecca with his army. His army bring many elephant war, but they defeated because destroyed by Sijjil.  According Imam Ibn Kathir,  Abrahah faced resistance for several tribes of Arabs under Nufail Ibn Habib. But, Abrahah defeat him and captured Nufail Ibn Habib. Nufail became navigator for Abrahah, but he die at Maghmas, near of Mecca. Exist two interpretation about Sijjil. Philip.K.Hitti , interpreted Sijjil as small viruses. And, Ibn Kathir, according Surah Fil at Koran, verse 1-5, interpreted Abrahah s army destroyed because many bird ( at Surah Fil called Thayran Ababil) attack him with killer stones. According my analysis, stones that throw by Bird Of Ababil, maybe contained death viruses.

Ok, it is my article today, share this article if you feel it is give you benefit and write at comment columns, what you request from this blog.


Ustadz H.Abdul Aziz Rauf ( Konsultan Ahli): Al-Hufaz Al Quran Hafalan Mudah, Penerbit Cordova, 2021 M.

Imam Ibnu Katsir: Al-Bidayah Wa an-Nihayah, Penerbit Insan Kamil, 2018 M.

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Phoenicia | Definition, Location, History, Religion, & Language | Britannica, accesed 13 June 2024, 08: 35 PM.




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